What's new


Release History

UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2010.1309

March 8, 2010

New controls

  • RadAsyncUpload is a new upload control which allows you to perform single and multi-file uploads through async requests instead of plain postback (the latter is supported by our RadUpload control). It can be used in combination with RadProgressManager and RadProgressArea to monitor the progress while the upload process commences and permits automatic and custom validation.
  • RadFilter enables you to build complex filter expressions (based on the data type of the source fields) and attach them to data-bound controls like RadGrid and RadListView. Thus end users will be able to apply filter patterns for the data shown in these controls by means of visual intuitive UI.

Common for all controls:

What’s New:

  • VS 2010/.NET 4.0 RC support
  • JavaScript Intellisense for RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX under VS 2008/VS 2010
  • Native NET 4 builds of Telerik.Web.UI.dll and Telerik.Web.Design.dll
  • Updated jQuery version to 1.4.2

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Dynamically registered skins have invalid URLs (IE7 only, CDN support must be enabled)
  • Fixed: Custom jQuery plugin does not properly extend event argument objects with expandos for custom data
  • Fixed: The T4 templates don't handle properties with IDReferenceProperty attribute
  • Fixed: All controls not detecting LTR elements in RTL containers.
VSX Icon

Visual Studio Extensions

What’s New:

  • Added: Native VSIX deployment (VS 2010 RC Extensions Manager deployment)
  • Improved: Wizard Framework refactoring

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Project configuration exception on WebApp configuration
  • Fixed: Prevent assembly locks
  • Fixed: HttpHandlers get invalid attibute (preCondition) added by the ProjectConfiguration Wizard on a .NET 4.0 project
  • Fixed: Incorrect AssemblyName registration in web.config when using a GAC reference
  • Fixed: Web.Config targets only .NET 4.0 in Visual Studio 2010.
  • Fixed: "RadWindow\Blocking Thread Execution" control scenario shows "Compiling transformation ..." error
  • Fixed: Browse button is missing on the "Choose Access DataSource" page in the control scenario wizards
  • Fixed: Browse buttons are missing on the "Choose XML File" page in the control scenario wizards
  • Fixed: Button image missing on the "RadGrid\Client side PDF export" page
  • Fixed: Control scenario wizard closes when typing in the path field on the "Choose Access DataSource" page


What’s New:

  • Exposed missing Menu functions of DNN Menu Wrapper
  • TabStrip's EnableItemID no longer works, implemented an alternative (e.g. EnableItemCSS)

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Setting EnableAdminMenus="False" does not hide the "Admin" item
RadAjax Icon


What’s New:

  • Improvement: Added an interface which should be implemented instead of inheriting from RadAjaxPage in mid trust scenarios
RadBinaryImage Icon


What’s New:

  • Improved: Image which fits in the resized dimensions should not be resized if ResizeMode is Crop
RadCalendar Icon


What's new

  • Added: RadTimeView cancelable OnClientTimeSelecting event
  • Added: Sliding JQuery animation for calendar/pickers

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: RadCalendar should not display dotted outline on dates when PresentationType="Preview"
  • Fixed: RadCalendar should not have a hover effect on the title if MonthYearFastNavigation is disabled
  • Fixed: Shared Calendar does not pop when using numerous date pickers
  • Fixed: Shared RadCalendar does not select dates when used with AutoPostBack RadDatePicker and HideAnimation.Duration > 0
  • Fixed: Special days, if selected initially, cannot be deselected.
  • Fixed: RadTimeView persists cell hover styles if the user moves the mouse during hide animation
  • Fixed [Breaking Change]: RadTimeView throws exception when there is no RadTimePicker on the page
RadCaptcha Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Audio Feature for RadCaptcha
  • Added: Random fonts for different characters of the RadCaptcha Image
RadChart Icon


What’s new:

  • Moved setOpacity from Telerik static client library to chart client code.
RadColorPicker Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Localized the rest UI strings (sliders)

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: the width of the color picker control when ShowIcon=true and the width of the palette is specified with the Width property.
RadComboBox Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: RadComboBox automatic Load On Demand
  • Added: Label for RadComboBox
  • Added: RadComboBox escapes single quotes before doing a Load On Demand request
  • Improved: Simple skin arrow sprite now allows easy resizing.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Previously selected Item is selected on blur if the input is empty when [LoadOnDemand=True, MarkFirstMatch=True]
  • Fixed: Cannot enable RadComboBox once its parent is disabled and then enabled
  • Fixed: Items are highlighted while the drop down is closing
  • Fixed: RadComboBox does not detect value pasted from the context menu in IE8
  • Fixed: RadComboBoxDropDown position in Opera 10 is wrong when several controls reside in one container.
  • Fixed: Input looses focus if the ComboBox is closed by clicking on the Toggle Image
  • Fixed: RadComboBox does not serialize the Text of Items if they contain consecutive spaces.
  • Fixed: Selecting another Item by setting SelectedValue does not update the RadComboBox.Text property.
  • Fixed: The client-side clearSelection does not apply the Empty Message (if set)
  • Fixed: The drop down is broken after calling the clearItems client-side method after some Items have been loaded by typing relevant text [EnableLoadOnDemand=True, ShowDropDownOnTextboxClick=False]
  • Fixed: The width of RadComboBox is rendered incorrectly if set in percentage and the control has Label
  • Fixed: VirtualScrolling stops working if first portion of Items is loaded manually before the drop down opens for the first time
RadCompression Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Workaround for an issue when default page is accessed with IIS 7.x running in .NET 4 integrated mode
RadDock Icon


What’s new:

  • Improved RadDock's animations
RadEditor Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Import/export to RTF functionality.
  • Added: Ability to link thumbnails to the original image in the Image Manager dialog
  • Added: Editor dialogs utilize RadScriptManager and RadStyleSheetManager
  • Added: Light versions of hyperlink and image dialogs
  • Added: New content filter related to PDF export
  • Added: New ConvertCharactersToEntities content filter. This filter converts reserved characters to their html entity names.
  • Added: Exclude the tag stripping functionality in Firefox from the FixEnclosingP filter and add it to the ConvertToXhtml content filter.
  • Added: Pasting in Safari/Chrome will now respect all StripFormattingOptions correctly
  • Improved: Updated the RadEditor rendering to comply with accessibility validation tools (WAVE, Compliance Sherriff)
  • Improved: Updated the RadEditor diff engine to make faster comparisons and support larger HTML content

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Insert Table Pop-up does not come up when globalization culture="tr-TR"
  • Fixed: Unnatural behavior with OL/UL and new lines in IE
  • Fixed: Dropdown toolbar items don't work in Safari / Chrome after page is scrolled
  • Fixed: Enhanced XHTML compliance of the FormatBlock tool
  • Fixed: Invalid Argument exception when spellchecking marquee tags
  • Fixed: "Undefined" error when using DOM inspector remover in Firefox
  • Fixed: Image map dialog does not load in Safari 4 when using classic (browser) dialog windows
  • Fixed: ImageManager does not properly preview/insert an image if the path contains a backslash - \
  • Fixed: When NewLineBr is set to true, pressing Enter in Safari/Chrome wrongly produced div elements
  • Fixed: Problem when changing the dialog definitions collection on the server when RegisterWithScriptManager is false
  • Fixed: Problem with localization in Image Manager and Document Manager dialogs when LocalizationPath property is set.
  • Fixed: Problem with missing JS class when using RadDialogOpener to open some editor dialogs without an editor on the page
  • Fixed: Safari pushes content to the bottom of the page when applying FormatBlock command.
  • Fixed: Layout issue in IE in the Page Properties dialog
  • Fixed: Updated the editor paste mechanism in IE browsers to fix a problem with moving anchors when using the link properties dialog.
  • Fixed: BR tag added to content container in Firefox and Opera
  • Fixed: Bullet list or numbered list doesn't show up on empty RadEditor in IE
  • Fixed: Cursor does not show up after switching from HTML to DESIGN mode in Firefox 3.6
  • Fixed: RadEditor's FormatBlock tool XHTML compliance when formatting links.
  • Fixed: Sometimes editor content is not saved when submitting with Ajax and using an Image Button or push button in non-IE browsers
  • Fixed: StyleBuilder Background Color problem
  • Fixed: TableLayoutCssFile Checkboxes not clickable in Firefox
  • Fixed: TableProperties and CellPorperties dialogs - StyleBuilder clears the values in the TableWizard dialog.
  • Fixed: Problem with creating headings in RadEditor
RadFileExplorer Icon


What's New

  • Added: Code check permissions no longer call ResolveDirectory. The content provider is now initialized only once per request per file explorer instance.
  • Added: New PageSize property
  • Added: New client-side property that sets the default folder’s name which is shown in CreateNewFolder dialog

What's Fixed

  • Fixed: Exception when trying to move one root tree folder over another
  • Fixed: The CurrentFolder server property does not contain the path to the currently selected folder in RadFileExplorer
RadFormDecorator Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: A new option for the DecoratedControls collection - FormView, GridView, DetailsView controls

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Decorated Button's client click event fires twice in IE in some cases
  • Fixed: Problem with IE 6 and decorated inputs (type button, reset, submit) where the button text is a bit off center
  • Fixed: Duplicate rounded corners on initially hidden in a PageView inputs in Opera
  • Fixed: Problem in Firefox when setting SelectedIndex of decorated select elements using JavaScript
  • Fixed: "Invalid argument" error is raised when RadFormDecorator tries to style hidden asp:textbox with an empty space before it (IE8 only)
  • [Breaking Change]: Buttons' height is increased to 22px in order to fit and look better when placed next to RadInput or RadComboBox items. The previous button height was 21px. If you are using a custom skin, based on previous version, you should change your main skin's CSS as shown in this sticky forum thread.
RadGrid Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Filtering option in RadGrid's header context menu
  • Added: New built-in GridRatingColumn
  • Added: ShowAddNewRecordButton and ShowRefreshButton properties in CommandItemSettings class
  • Added: DiagonalLeft and DiagonalRight to Border’s PositionType enum to ExcelML engine
  • Added: NumberFormatType enum’s values Yes, No, True, False, On, Off are marked as Obsolete and are changed for YesNo, TrueFalse, OnOff. Added support for those formats in the ExcelML engine.
  • Added: Automatic scrolling for RadGrid's header context menu
  • Improved: RadGrid's frozen columns feature not working correctly in some scenarios

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed [Breaking Change]: DefaultInsertValue property should be changed to string.
  • Fixed: AllowColumnResize = true removes the DragToGroupOrReorder tooltip from columns
  • Fixed: Insert item does not show with UseStaticHeaders and InsertItemDispay="Bottom"
  • Fixed: RowDeleting and RowDeleted client events not thrown when OnCommand client handler is attached to the grid.
  • Fixed: Columns reordering is not working when a column is dropped over the header text of another column.
  • Fixed: GridNumericColumn thrown null error exception in edit mode when bound to null value and ReadOnly is true
  • Fixed: NoRecordsTemplate should not be displayed when OnCommand event handler is set for a non-empty grid.
  • Fixed: RadGrid breaks Intellisense for RadControls when application is in medium trust.
  • Fixed: RadGrid column widths in IE8 quirks mode when using Display="false" for a column
  • Fixed: RadGrid custom GroupFooter CssClass not applied
  • Fixed: RadGrid virtual scroll paging behavior not consistent on various browsers and server/client binding
  • Fixed: RadGrid is breaking when exporting to excel with ExportOnlyData=true and an html control having runat=server is nested control in a template column.
  • Fixed: RadGrid's filtering with EnableLinqExpressions=true when the filter value contains a single quote.
  • Fixed: RadGrid is not supporting export to ExcelML for a column bound to a real data type.
  • Fixed: RadGrid's pager appears after column reordering when ReorderColumnsOnClient is set to false and PagerStyle-AlwaysVisible is false.
  • Fixed: RadGrid is throwing a client-side exception when a row is selected and then deleted on the client.
  • Fixed: In some scenarios IE6 falls in endless recursion when scrolling and static headers are enabled
  • Fixed: RadGrid filtering on DateTime fails when bound to OpenAccess
  • Fixed: Sort with multi-column sorting and natural sorting disabled does not remove all other columns sort indicators
  • Fixed: GridButtonColumn confirm dialog width and height settings are not passed to cloned columns in detail tables
  • Fixed: RadGrid does not build its filter expressions properly when running in 3.5
  • Fixed: RadGrid's frozen columns breaking under Opera's new version.
  • Fixed: ScrollerTooltip is mispositioned in RadGrid on initial scroll or after paging
  • Fixed: Missing sort image button src attribute if custom ImagePath is set, header is hidden with initial sort expressions
  • Fixed: RadGrid PDF exporting fails when contains image with height bigger than the space available on the exporting page
  • Fixed: RadGrid's not escaping the row click event when an input, select, option, img, a, button, textarea contained in the row have been clicked.
  • Fixed: Filter function is not set to the default value if column's FilterDelay is set and NoFilter is passed as FilterEnum value
  • Fixed: GridHeaderContextMenu events are not removed correctly
  • Fixed: Header cell text's cursor is not reset with sorting, ColumnResize on and enabled grouping when column is resized to be smaller
  • Fixed: Should not be able to type minus in changePageSize or changePageIndex pager textboxes
RadInput Icon


What’s New:

  • Improved: RadInputManager to work with controls added on the client.
  • Improved: RadInputManager multiline textboxes should have scrollbars only when needed

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: SelectionOnFocus="None" does not apply the default browser selection in IE
  • Fixed: RadDateInput and RadDatePicker values not displayed correctly after a form reset
  • Fixed: Telerik.Web.UI.RadNumericTextBox fails when current culture NumberFormat.NumberGroupSizes is set to one element array containing zero(new Int32[] { 0 })
  • Fixed: RadInputManager validation sets incorect value on inputified TextBox control
  • Fixed: Problem with RadInputManager's RegisterWithScriptManager property
  • Fixed: RadInputManager textbox CSS classes duplicating after postback
  • Fixed: RadNumericTextBox does not lose focus in IE and Opera with attached RangeValidator when the input is invalidated and SetFocusOnError="true"
  • Fixed: RadNumericTextBox invalidates HOME and END keys in Opera
  • Fixed: RadTextBox and RadMaskTextBox are throwing exception on Azure hosting with non-default Columns and submit button shown
RadListBox Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Dragging the first of set of selected items and dropping it reorders items incorrectly
  • Fixed: The control is not disabled when its Enabled property is set to false
  • Fixed: RadListBox items which are set invisible can be transferred
RadListView Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: ListView items drag and drop
  • Added: Built-in filtering capability
  • Added: New FloatedTiles predefined layout
  • Added: Specifying LayoutTemplate is not mandatory anymore
  • Added: RadDataPager client API
  • Added: .NET 3.5/4 performance binding optimizations

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: EmptyDataTemplate is not hidden if RadListView is bound to non empty collection after postback of another control
  • Fixed: DateTimePickers generated by the designer should have MinDate set to MS SQLServer smalldatetime’s min value
  • Fixed: Exception is thrown from SelectedItems if SelectedIndexes contains a non-existing index
  • Fixed: Incorrect label controls' id generation for design-time edit and insert templates when bound to EntityDataSource with related entities.
  • Fixed: InsertItem values are not correctly extracted when no EditItemTemplate is assigned
RadMenu Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Rounded corners and shadows
  • Improved: Performance optimizations for RadMenu animations in IE (most significant in IE7)

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed [Breaking change]: itemClicking/itemClicked is now fired for templated items. Attaching a server-side ItemClick handler can result in a postback when clicking templated items.
  • Fixed: Server-side itemClick event is fired for incorrect item (Multi-column menu, horizontal repeat direction)
  • Fixed: RadContextMenu items are not correctly aligned in right-to-left mode
RadPanelPar Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: An exception occurs when RadPanelBar tries to restore its state from a cookie that contains invalid information
RadRating Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Items collection for the rating control.
  • Improved: The precision of the Value property of the rating control by changing its type from double to decimal.
  • Improved: You cannot set 0 as value for the RadRating control using the client API - the new value is not preserved in the client state.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: The value of the Precision property of RadRating should affect only the rate precision and not the display precision.
  • Fixed: The tooltip of the rating control in case the rating is in read-only mode
RadRotator Icon


What’s New:

  • RadTicker: Added NavigateUrl property
  • Improved: Allow constant scrolling

What's Fixed:

  • Fixed: The width of the rotator elements, in case the sum of the width of all its items exceeds 10000 pixels
  • Fixed: The scrolling of items in case RotatorType is set to Buttons, WrapFrames is set to false and the user clicks quickly the rotator buttons
RadScheduler Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Visual clues for non-visible appointments
  • Added: Advanced form/recurrence enhancements and improvements
  • Added: New optimized appointment rendering
  • Added: AppointmentStyle property - to choose between Simple and Standard style for colored appointments

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: AppointmentContextMenuItemClicking/ed is not fired on the server
  • Fixed: TimeZoneOffset is not passed as part of SchedulerInfo when using Web Service binding. As a result some monthly/yearly recurrence rules are not evaluated correctly.
  • Fixed: RadScheduler default context menu commands are not working (regression from build 2009.3.1215)
  • Fixed: VisualTimeZoneOffset is ignored when rendering the rsTodayCell class in MonthView
  • Fixed: JavaScript error in IE when Advanced Form's Subject field is hidden
  • Fixed: Javascript error in the Advanced Form when using Prototype.js
  • Fixed: NullReference exception when trying to access 'RadScheduler.GetTimeSlotFromIndex(n).Control' during PreRender
  • Fixed: RadScheduler renders invalid HTML markup (div nested inside span element)
  • Fixed: Appointments drag'n'drop breaks after postback in the latest versions of Chrome
  • Fixed: Base Appointment ISerializable implementation does not serialize properties from inherited classes
  • Fixed: RecurrenceRule is not serialized correctly in tr-TR locale
  • Fixed: Clicking top-right close icon in the advanced form causes postback (web service binding)
  • Fixed: RecurrenceState is not set in InsertAppointment WebService method
  • Fixed: Javascript error when right-clicking an appointment when there are no Appointment Context Menus
  • Fixed: The TimeLine view now has a minimum height
  • Fixed: Server-side validator code executed twice
  • Fixed: Appointment arrows can navigate on click
RadScriptManager Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: New default value for the CdnSettings.TelerikCdn property - Auto. Same as Disabled in .NET 2.0 and 3.5, follows EnableCdn in .NET 4.0
  • Improved: RadScriptManager now supports AjaxFrameworkMode=Disabled and AjaxFrameWorkMode=Explicit (.NET 4.0)

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Combined scripts served by RadScriptManager are not cached by IE6
  • Fixed: RadScriptManager can serve incorrect set of scripts when navigating with the Back / Forward buttons in FF
  • Fixed: RadScriptManager can throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the system date is in the past
RadSiteMap Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Flow template layout in IE6/7 is broken.
RadSlider Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: set_dragText method for the RadSlider control that will allow developers to change the text of the dragHandles using the client API of the control.
  • Added: EnableServerSideRendering property (default value is false) for RadSlider.
  • Added: OnClientItemsCreated event for RadSlider
  • Improved: The disabled look of RadSlider
  • Improved: The skins of the slider control

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: "Unknown runtime error" error in IE8 after AJAX request, in case the postback is initiated by an ajaxified RadComboBox control.
RadSpell Icon


What’s New:

  • Improved: The control will clear its current text source when using set_controlToCheck/set_controlsToCheck client API methods
  • Improved: RadSpell compatibility with other Telerik controls (RadEditor, RadComboBox, RadTextBox). No additional code needs to be added to the page when spell-checking a RadControl

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: < script > tag in the spell checked texts
RadSplitter Icon


What’s New:

  • Improved: The performance of a percentages-sized splitter in Firefox, when the browser is rezised, in case there is a lot of HTML in the panes of the splitter.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: In case the RadSplitter is configured in percentages and the value of its Visible property changes from "true" to "false" and back to "true", the splitter will no longer resize with the browser.
  • Fixed: In case there is a RadPane that is collapsed backward and the value of the Visible property of the splitter changes from "true" to "false" and back to "true", the pane will appear collapsed forward.
  • Fixed: Nested splitters in some cases do not calculate the size of their panes correctly or throw js error during initialization.
  • Fixed: RadSplitter throws a js error when the page is in rtl mode.
  • Fixed: JS error when LoadScriptsBeforeUI of ScriptManager is set to false.
  • Fixed: Incorrect height of the splitter, in case its Height property is set in pixels, its Width property is set in percentages and the user changes the height of the control using the client-side API
  • Fixed: The localization of RadSplitBar by adding an inner property - AdjacentPanesNames, that sets the names of the adjacent panes as they would appear in the tooltips of the splitbar's buttons.
RadTabStrip Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: DefaultButton property for RadPageView

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Javascript error on mouse over a tab next to a separator
  • Fixed: MS SSRS ReportViewer can throw NullReferenceException when placed in RadPageView
RadToolBar Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: OuterCssClass property - allows CSS class to be applied on the outmost element ("rtbItem")

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Changes done on the client are not correctly applied on the server when some of the RadToolBarItems are hidden
  • Fixed: Selecting ToolBar buttons does not show them as focused in IE
  • Fixed: Hovers work on disabled checked buttons.
RadToolTip Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Animation Duration property for RadToolTip
  • Added: Implemented ability for callout to position itself relatively to the target control
  • Added: OnClientResponseError event for RadToolTipManager
  • Improved: RadToolTip automatically repaints its children when shown
  • Improved: RadToolTipManager uses the RadAjax loading images instead its old ones

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed:The tooltip jumps and repositions itself relatively to the target in some scenarios
  • Fixed: Problems with Simple skin of RadToolTip when external skin is used
  • Fixed: When you have RelativeTo=BrowserWindow and you update the ToolTip with AJAX, you get a js error
RadTreeView Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Replaced the RadTreeView loading icons
RadWindow Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: Animation Duration property for RadWindow
  • Added: Ability to clear the cached properties when cloning RadWindowManager/RadToolTipManager
  • Added: New ShowOnTopWhenMaximized property for RadWindow which sets big z-index to the maximized RadWindow when set to true
  • Added: New OnClientResizeStart client event for RadWindow
  • Added: OnClientBeforeClose event for RadWindow
  • Added: Live resize implementation - the IFRAME is not hidden when RadWindow is dragged and resized
  • Added: New Opacity property
  • Improved: The controls in the RadWindow's ContentTemplate are available to the page without using FindControl method
  • Improved: When RadWindow is used with ContentTemplate, it automatically repaints its children when shown
  • Improved: When RadWindow with ContentTemplate is being autosized, a loading sign is shown

What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: Problem with scrollbars when RadWindow is in an IFRAME
  • Fixed: CssClass property does not apply the value on the Wrapper div element.
  • Fixed: Animation problem under IE 3
  • Fixed: RadWindow cannot be closed after it has been opened with restoreAll.
  • Fixed: When the RadWindow is resized to smaller width than the titlebar allows, the handles disappear
  • Fixed: set_offsetElementID of RadWindow does not work as expected
  • Fixed: When RadWindow is closed with argument 0 it returns null instead
RadXmlHttpPanel Icon


What’s New:

  • Added: New property RenderMode which controls the wrapping tag of the panel - inline mode (span, default behavior) or block mode (div)

WebUI Test Studio

What’s New:

  • Added WebUI TestStudio RadListView translator
  • Added WebUI TestStudio RadDataPager translator
  • Added WebUI TestStudio RadDock translator
  • Improved WebAii translators
  • Improved WebAii 2.0 translators

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