November 2, 2009
RadListView a brand new ASP.NET AJAX control that enable users to view and manage various data entries in a list.
RadSitemap – Introducing a new lightweight and flexible control that displays the list of pages on a web site organized in hierarchical fashion
RadRating – Telerik RadRating is a flexible UI component that allows users to intuitively rate by selecting number of items from a predefined maximum number of items. The user can fully customize the control by configuring its orientation, rating precision, direction etc.
What’s New:
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What's New
What's Fixed
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Removed obsolete Scheduler-related members:
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Breaking change:
Some changes have been introduced in the rendering of the RadMultiPage in order to improve its SEO performance. The control now relies on a base stylesheet instead of inline styles. If you have set Telerik.EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet to "false" in the web.config/appSettings RadMultiPage will not render correctly. You have to set EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet to "true" on the control itself to fix this issue.What’s Fixed:
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What’s New
What’s Fixed
What’s New:
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