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Release History

UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2009.1311

March 10, 2009

New Controls and Additions

  • With Q1 2009 RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX introduce a new level of developer productivity with the Visual Studio Extensions package for RadControls - a set of ready-to-use Visual Studio templates that cover common application scenarios. The Extensions package automatically creates your projects in seconds, eliminating the need to configure them manually.
  • New web testing capabilities with WebUI Test Studio -- WebUI Test Studio is a tool for creating automated web tests that is specifically tailored for Telerik AJAX controls. It comes with built-in translators for RadControls and provide intelligent options to validate the state of each control and its child elements. Learn More Watch Video
  • New RadFileExplorer control - Ready-to-use file explorer control with high performance and rich customization options. Consists of TreeView, Grid, ToolBar, Upload, ContextMenu, Address Bar. Multiple selection and drag and drop out of the box.
  • RadCompression - a new HttpModule and PageAdapter that ships with the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX designed to automatically compress ViewState and your AJAX and Web Service responses

Common for all controls:

  • Facelift for all skins and consistency in CSS naming conventions which result in breaking changes for ceratin scenarios. Please, test before upgrading to the new version. For more details refer to this blogpost
  • Default2006, Gray, Inox and SkyBlue skins are discontinued -- we are recommending the new Default skin for anyone that might have used the obsolete skins. If you decide that you still want the obsolete skins in your application please contact us in a support ticket.
  • New Telerik.Web.Design.dll to separate the design-time code from the web control implementation code. For more details please refer to this blogpost.
  • New .NET 3.5 demos showing how you can use RadControls with LINQ, EntityDataSource, WCF, ADO.NET Data Services, etc
  • Updated jQuery to version 1.3.2
RadAjax Icon


What’s New:

  • RadAjaxLoadingPanel Embedded Skins
RadCalendar Icon


What’s New:

  • RadTimeView - new client-side method - get_timeFormat()

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: RadDatePicker setting RadDatePicker.SelectedDate does not update RadDatePicker.DateInput.SelectedDate
  • Fixed: RadTimePicker should pass the real date (not just the time) to its RadDateInput child control if a date-containing DateFormat is set.
  • Fixed: RadDateInput not repainted correctly when inside a RadDatePicker
  • Fixed: Calendar views' CSS classes not correct in MultiMonthView mode when MultiViewColumns or MultiViewRows > 2
RadChart Icon


What’s New:

  • Added Zoom server-side event.

What’s Fixed:

  • Changed the type of StyleTick.MinorTickCount property from MinorTickCount to int (breaking change). Old usage: chart.PlotArea.YAxis.Appearance.MinorTick.MinorTickCount = Telerik.Charting.Styles.MinorTickCount.None; New usage: chart.PlotArea.YAxis.Appearance.MinorTick.MinorTickCount = 0;
RadColorPicker Icon


What’s New:

  • Added one new property to the RadColorPicker - PaletteModes.
  • Changed the HTML of the RadColorPicker: create a TabStrip when PaletteModes=All; changed the position and look of the Preview element; changed the position and look of the NoColor button

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: When the RadColorPicker uses server-side rendering, the data for its items is still serialized and sent to the client.
  • Fixed: The value of the Preset property is lost after postback.
RadComboBox Icon


What’s New:

  • The first matching Item is autocompleted (similarly to pressing 'Enter') if the Separator is pressed when MarkFirstMatch="true" and AutoCompleteSeparator is specified.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: The Text is not selected on click in the RadComboBox if it is ReadOnly (EnableLoadOnDemand="false", AllowCustomText="false", MarkFirstMatch="false", Filter="None")
  • Fixed: RadComboBoxItem.get_text() returns an incorrect value if the Item has Text="" and Template
  • Fixed: Input cursor position is incorrect after selection with 'Enter' when MarkFirstMatch="true"
  • Fixed: IE7 hangs if a ComboBox with Load on Demand is expanded and there is no enough space to position the drop down
  • Fixed: Items are multiplied if the 'Show More' link is being clicked during an ongoing Items request.
  • Fixed: Item's Text is lost during Filtering if it contains '<', '>' and/or '&' characters.
  • Fixed: Stack Overflow error in IE when typing and deleting text in RadComboBox in Load on Demand.
  • Fixed: Selection jumps to first Item if the down/up arrow is pressed on a focused ComboBox and the drop down has never been opened.
  • Fixed: Pressing Alt+Letter while the input is focused selects the matched Item if it exists and it should not.
  • Fixed: Virtual Scrolling does not work if the MaxHeight property is set.
  • Fixed: If the drop down is manually shown early in the page life cycle (window.onload, pageLoad, onLoad of the control, ShowDropDownOnLoad="true") its Items are not initialized
RadDock Icon


What’s New:

  • Improved AJAX support - Fixed a problem when dock is in a dock zone, which is updated with ajax (update panel)
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadEditor Icon


What’s New:

  • Added the RadFileExplorer control in the editor file browser dialogs. It replaces the proprietary FileLister/FileUploader control.
  • Reorganized the editor file browser dialogs - the browser part is in FileBrowser.ascx, so only the previewer is left in the ImageManager.ascx, DocumentManager.ascx, etc.
  • Added image properties to be used from inside the image manager dialog.
  • Added link properties to be used from inside the document manager dialog.
  • Changed RadEditor tool rendering to be a bit more efficient and to meet several new rendering requirements for the changes in RadEditor skins.
  • Integrated table editing mechanism in RadEditor context menus
  • Allow calling image manager/document manager dialogs from set image properties/link manager dialogs
  • Allow calling StyleBuilder dialog in Table and Cell Properties dialogs.
  • Added new localization strings - SplitCellHorizontal (editor.tools); Open (editor.dialogs)
  • Re-arranged NodeInspectorModule items to produce better layout
  • Added support for EditorSplitButton type to be read from the editor's tools file as well as from the editor declaration.
  • Enhanced RadEditor removescripts filter to also remove scripts on the server - more secure
  • Optimized server-side rendering speed of RadEditor
  • Enable session state for editor dialogs (telerik compression)
  • Made significant improvements to the FormatBlock command. Now it functions much better in all browsers, supports attributes style and class, and produces efficient HTML.

What’s Fixed:

  • Updated editor localization mechanism not to throw an exception when a localization string is missing.
  • Fixed a rare problem in the default file system content provider (isParentOf, StoreFile methods).
  • Improved paste mechanism, which fixes an existing problem with onbeforepaste event in IE7 being fired by the browser on occasions that it should not be fired.
  • Fixed a scenario in FF where an image into a LI item would not be correctly wrapped in a LINK when using the LinkManager.
  • Fixed a problem in FireFox with the FormatBlock tool
  • Fixed a problem in FireFox when the editor's root note has been moved in the DOM, then content would disappear if the editor was in HTML mode
  • Fixed a problem with the resizing functionality of RadEditor
  • Fixed an IE6 problem with ABBR tag in ConvertToXhtml filter
  • Fixed confirm buttons of the CellProperties dialogue disappears if you edit a table with lots of rows.
  • Fixed Float SCC property disappears if it is set with border property when you switch to HTML mode of RadEditor
  • Fixed IECleanAnchorsFilter problem with some values in the page querystring
  • Fixed SetImageProperties dialog to support image size in percentages
  • Fixed IE Selection for images in some scenarios
  • Fixed Spellchecker inserting spans into style blocks in the body.
  • Fixed SearchPatterns are not trimmed, which causes problems if the value has extra spaces.
  • Fixed XHTML validation error with RadEditor when EditModes=DesignMode
  • Fixed: JavaScript error when opening the RadEditor dialogs using IE 8
  • Fixed: Bordercolor problem in StyleBuilder
  • Fixed: A problem when image manager called from image map and user selects an image.
  • Fixed: Made extra check when pasting content to avoid problems in the scenarios where onbeforepaste is raised by IE.
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadFormDecorator Icon


What’s New:

  • Added new property - EnableRoundedCorners (default is true). Now rounded corners of textboxes and text area can be turned on or off - depending on what the developer chooses.
  • Implemented integration between RadToolTip and RadFormDecorator
  • Added improvements to the RadFormDecorator to smooth the page rendering process
  • Added support for DecoratedControls = Zone
  • Added fix for IE8 support - prior to the fix a javascript error was raised.
  • Added property ControlsToSkip that eases the task of tuning the RadFormDecorator and makes it faster and easier.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed a problem with XHTML compliance as well as provided some enhancements to the form decorator initialization mechanism to provide smoother page loading experience.
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadGrid Icon


What’s New:

  • New Pager styles
  • New Filter Template
  • New property for the GridButtonColumn: ButtonCssClass
  • New property EnableSkinSortStyles in SortingSettings
  • Support for nested object's properties as ClientDataKeyNames and DataKeyNames
  • New CSS classes for table cells belonging to a GridGroupSplitterColumn and GridExpandColumn - .rgGroupCol and .rgExpandCol
  • New property: ClientSettings.EnableAlternatingItems (default value - True)
  • New property: AllowAutoScrollOnDragDrop
  • Client-side data-binding improvements - GridCheckBoxColumn and GridButtonColumn populated properly for extra rows(>PageSize)

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: More than one level hierarchy throws JavaScript error when a client-side OnCommand handler is used
  • Fixed: Header context menu does not retain state of the checkbox if column is hidden initially
  • Fixed: Status bar is not shown if grid is with scrolling with static headers and paging is disabled
  • Fixed: Error is thrown when attempt to filter IsNull/IsNotNull options with CaseSensitive="false"
  • Fixed: Sort icon does sort when clicked with client-side data binding
  • Fixed: CommandItem and Top/Bottom Pager items should be resized when initially hidden column is shown client-side
  • Fixed: Edit popup form cannot be released when dragged outside of the browser's window.
  • Fixed: Filtering GridNumericColumn by zero does not work as expected
  • Fixed: RadGrid Frozen Scroll is not initialized correctly in IE when TableLayout is Auto
  • Fixed: Double postbacks on filter if enter is hit with enabled AutoPostBackOnFilter
  • Fixed: CurrentFilterFunction's default value when AutoPostBackOnFilter is enabled
  • Fixed: Filtering does not work if AutoPostBackOnFilter is set to true and enter key is hit when inside the filter control
  • Fixed: GridButtonColumn with buttonType=ImageButton does not raise RadAjaxManager's RequestStarted client-side event
  • Fixed: CommandItemStyle is not inherited by inner detail tables
  • Fixed: Incorrect CSS classes applied to GridGroupSplitterColumn and GridExpandColumn table cell when using Grouping and Hierarchy at the same time.
  • Fixed: Double postbacks on filter if enter is hit with enabled AutoPostBackOnFilter
  • Fixed: Fixed HeaderContextMenu column's checkboxes are not checked initially with IE6
  • Fixed: RadGrid’s PageSize is not refreshed when MasterTableView's PageSize is set through the client-side API
  • Fixed: When pagesize is changed first page should be selected when using both client and server-side databinding
  • Fixed: RadGrid GridCheckBoxColumnEditor - does not apply styles if external edit is used
  • Fixed: RadGrid pager - does not show current page if client OnCommand is handled
RadInput Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: RadNumericTextBox and RadDateInput should prevent page scroll when focused and value is incremented/decremented with the mouse wheel
  • Fixed: RadMaskedTextBox validation issues in Mozilla FireFox
  • Fixed: RadInputControl throws exception when placed inside invisible container and server-side Focus() method is called
  • Fixed: RadTextBox in MultiLine TextMode does not accept pasting in IE if MaxLength is not set
  • Fixed: InputManager's RegEx Setting Validation Styles
  • Fixed: InputManager's RegEx Setting Validates empty value with IsRequired set to false
  • Fixed: InputManager's Numericsetting server-side validation fails if type is Percent
  • Fixed: Invalid styles are not applied if only custom server-side validation is used
  • Fixed: RadNumericTextBox SpinUpCssClass not applied correctly
  • Fixed: RadInput blur handler should not be executed if the textbox is readonly
  • Fixed: RadInput textbox states' border and background colors should be cleared when the "stateless" border and background colors are set to empty
  • Fixed: Javascript error when a RadInput is validated by RegularExpressionValidator on blur and focusing is attempted
  • Fixed: RadTextBox in MultiLine TextMode does not accept pasting in IE if MaxLength is not set
  • Fixed: Invalid styles are not applied if only custom server-side validation is used
  • Fixed: RadInputManager - NumericTextBoxSetting does not parse correct if value of input control is "0"(zero)
  • Fixed: InputManager's empty message fails validation on readonly textbox set as target controls to a NumericTextBoxSetting
RadMenu Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: The size of the submenu items changes on open when they overflow from the document bottom
  • Fixed: AccessKey eats any blank space in the Text of the menu item
  • Fixed: RadContextMenu -- The default browser context menu is displayed on right click immediately after the RadContextMenu has been shown
  • Fixed: RadMenu didn't pass the custom attributes of an item loaded on demand via web service
  • Fixed: JavaScript error when the web service returns no items
  • Fixed: RadContextMenu fails to open after RadGrid export or file streaming
  • Fixed: Changed root CssClass in RTL mode according to convention (rmRtl to RadMenu_rtl)
  • Fixed: Changed root CssClass for context menu according to convention (rmContextMenu to RadMenu_Context)
RadRotator Icon


What’s New:

  • Updated the animation of RadRotator to use jQuery

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Problem with automatic advance - sometimes mouse over would stop instead of pausing the rotator
  • Fixed: The last rotator item is not displayed if WrapFrames=false and the rotator items are not the correct size.
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadScheduler Icon


What’s New:

  • Client-side binding to webservices
  • Added new client-side methods - showAdvancedEditForm(appointment, editSeries), showAllDayAdvancedInsertForm(date), showAdvancedInsertForm(date), showAllDayInlineInsertForm(date)
  • Added new client-side events: OnClientAppointmentsPopulating, OnClientAppointmentsPopulated, OnClientAppointmentDataBound, OnClientAppointmentCreated, OnClientResourcesPopulating, OnClientResourcesPopulated, OnClientDataBound, OnClientRequestFailed, OnClientAppointmentWebServiceInserting, OnClientAppointmentWebServiceDeleting, OnClientAppointmentWebServiceUpdating, OnClientRecurrenceExceptionCreating, OnClientRecurrenceExceptionsRemoving
  • Add get_endTime property to the client-side time slot objects
  • Add get_targetSlot property to the client-side AppointmentResizeEnd event arguments.
  • Added get_domEvent property to AppointmentClickEventArgs (client-side)
  • XMLScheduler provider now supports resource attributes
  • New property: Resource.CssClass - used to specify the cascading style sheet (CSS) class rendered for appointments that use this resource.
  • New property: RadScheduler.ResourceStyles; Can be used to declaratively apply CSS styles to appointments that contain specific resources. A number of predefined styles are provided to aid common scenarios.

What’s Changed:

  • Obsoleted SchedulerAppointmentResizeEndEventArgs.get_newTime() property; Use get_newEndTime() instead
  • Obsoleted the showInsertFormAt(timeSlot) client-side method; Use showInlineInsertForm(timeSlot) instead
  • Obsoleted the editAppointment(appointment, editSeries) client-side method; Use showInlineEditForm(appointment, editSeries) instead
  • Changed the value of the "ShowAdvancedForm" localization sting to "Options" (was "options")
  • The default value for MinimumInlineFormWidth is changed to 250 px (was 200 px)
  • The default width of the row headers (hours column, resource headers) is now 52 px (was 100px). You can use the RowHeaderWidth to control it.
  • The minimum selectable date in RadScheduler is changed from 1980 to 1900
  • Breaking change (client-side): The ISchedulerTimeSlot.get_duration() now returns milliseconds instead of minutes. Use the new get_durationInMinutes() property to obtain the old behavior

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: AppointmentClick is fired after AppointmentMoveEnd
  • Fixed: JavaScript error in mouseup when selecting multiple cells in MonthView
  • Fixed: The time slot index is incorrect for all-day slots in vertically grouped week view
  • Fixed: The GroupingDirection for WeekView is applied in DayView which results in JavaScript errors in some cases
  • Fixed: Appointments are not arranged correctly in some scenarios when using resource grouped views
  • Fixed: Validator tooltip in the advanced form is visible under WebKit-based browsers
  • Fixed: Resizing an appointment causes text to be selected in Safari/Chrome/Opera
  • Fixed: All-day TimeSlots in week view return incorrect startTime and duration
  • Fixed: OnClientAppointmentMoveEnd event fires second time if cancelled
  • Fixed: The inline insert/edit form is not positioned correctly for all-day appointments (Web Service - binding mode)
  • Fixed: Delete fails when using EntityDataSource
  • Fixed: Appointment is moved even if the mouse is dragged outside the browser
  • Fixed: Controls added in FormCreated cannot fire events and will not raise OnAppointmentCommand
RadSpell Icon


What’s New:

  • Register the resource Handler in the web.config automatically when RadScriptManager is put on the page
  • RadScriptManager can be put at the end of the page and still support partial views (required for ASP.NET MVC)
RadSlider Icon


What’s New:

  • Updated the animation of RadSlider to use jQuery

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: When you set the SelectionStart and SelectionEnd properties of the RadSlider and you have IsDirectionReversed=true, the SelectionEnd is not respected.
  • Fixed: The server ValueChanged event of the RadSlider is raised before Page_Load.
  • Fixed: When the RadSlider has only one possible Value and ItemType=Tick - you get a JS error.
  • Fixed: When a parent of the RadSlider changes its Enabled property from "false" to "true", the RadSlider remains disabled.
  • Attached a handler to the outermost element of the RadSlider to cancel the propagation of the click event to avoid onbeforeunload event being erroneously raised in IE
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadSpell Icon


What’s New:

  • Now using RadFormDecorator in the RadSpell dialog.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Client exception when using the RadSpell control with classic dialogs enabled
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadSplitter Icon


What’s New:

  • Added a common CSS class to the wrapper element of the RadSplitter - "RadSplitter".
  • Marked the FullScreenMode property of the RadSplitter for ASP.NET AJAX as obsolete.
  • The RadSlidingPane now uses a jQuery animation.

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: When you have a collapsed RadPane and the RadSplitter changes its Visible property on the server from True to False and then again to True, you cannot expand the RadPane.
RadTabStrip Icon


What’s New:

  • Added ShowBaseline property - allows showing of bottom border on the whole RadTabStrip
RadToolBar Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Enter key does not post back
  • Fixed: The click event is not fired when custom CSS class is set
RadToolTip Icon


What’s Fixed:

  • Updated the animation of RadToolTip to use jQuery
  • Improved the "Loading...." implementation of the RadToolTip
  • Integration between of RadToolTip and RadFormDecorator
  • Added the tooltip callout repositioning functionality

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed a problem with tooltip growing each time it is shown when animation is enabled.
  • RadToolTipManager would not raise server AJAX event unless element ID was provided. Now it will raise it if Value or ControlID are specified
  • Updated CSS naming conventions
RadTreeView Icon


What’s New:

  • Improved performance with Load on Demand

What’s Fixed:

  • Fixed: Javascript error when RadTreeView is inside a closed WebPart
  • Fixed: Dropping over a node with AllowDrop="false" didn't always revert to the default mouse cursor
  • Fixed: ContentCssClass is not applied during web service load on demand
  • Fixed: An empty unordered list element is still rendered in a Node after Load On Demand even if there are no children Nodes.
  • Fixed: Dragging multiple nodes problem
  • Fixed: Selected property returns false even if set to true for nodes which have not been added in the treeview
  • Fixed: Adding a single node to an empty treeview does not render right
RadUpload Icon


What’s Fixed

  • Fixed: The UniquePageIdentifier, EnableEmbeddedSkins and EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet properties are serialized in design time (VS2008)
  • Fixed: Changed base CssClass according to convention (radupload to RadUpload)
RadWindow Icon


What’s New:

  • Updated the animation of RadWindow to use jQuery

What’s Fixed

  • Updated CSS naming conventions

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