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UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2007.2918

September 17, 2007

What’s New in RadControls “Prometheus” for ASP.NET Q2 2007 (Version Number 2007.2.918):

RadScheduler is a flexible and lightweight scheduling component blending the tried and true rich Outlook®-style scheduling functionality with innovative usability enhancements pioneered in Google Calendar. Designed to meet any scheduling needs the product delivers swift performance, simplified deployment and limitless customization capabilities. The first official version of RadCheduler comes to deliver:

  1. Day, Week and Month Views encapsulated in a single control. This feature ensures simplified deployment and providing excellent flexibility for displaying appointments.
  2. Support for any scheduling data source - RadScheduler supports all standard ASP.NET data sources with scheduling data. Its flexible provider model allows flexible binding to any external datasources and a better control over the data source configuration.
  3. Custom resources add flexibility to your schedules and allow you to assign appointments to different users. This feature allows you to simultaneously assign same tasks to multiple users, and view appointments by resource group. The resources and the data sources for them can be defined easily in design-time.
  4. Inline and Advanced editing capabilities - RadEditor features AJAX enabled inline editing allowing you to add and modify your schedule tasks directly through the front-end. There a number of out-of-the box set of properties, such as recurrence, time slots, etc.
  5. Recurring appointments - RadScheduler features the ability to configure repeating appointments with ultimate flexibility. Use the editing advanced options to apply recurring scheduling patterns such as daily, weekly, monthly or set a range of recurrence from a date to date.
  6. Flexible server and client - side API - RadScheduler provides full control over the Server-side API allowing full customizability of each operation event. You can easily modify and customize every aspect of the Scheduler, as well as effortlessly integrate it to existing applications.
  7. RadScheduler is shipped with a set of skins that allow you to build slick interfaces. The skin can be easily switched using a single property.
  8. Rich client-side behavior: appointments can be rescheduled through drag and drop and resizing
  9. RadScheduler now provides templates (AppointmentTemplate, InlineEditTemplate and InlineInsertTemplate) for unlimited flexibility and customization
  10. Export to iCalendar – RadScheduler allows you to easily export your set of appointments to the iCalendar format.
  11. Time Zone Support - Radcheduler automatically detects the user time zone and converts the appointments stored in the database accordingly.
  12. Height control options –Expand and Scroll options controlled via the OverflowBehavior property.
  13. Delete confirmation dialog

RadEditor “Prometheus” is the successor of the award winning RadEditor for ASP.NET, bringing a new era of unmatched speedy web behavior. Being the first Editor build on top of ASP.NET AJAX, the new RadEditor turns to be the fastest, most feature-rich and flexible Editor of its kind. Q2 2007 features:

  1. Unmatched loading speed –RadEditor Prometheus puts an end to the “functionality vs speed” trade-off. The unique “load as needed” processes in RadEditor will only load the code on client browsers for the features that are being used.
  2. Minimalist script size– Another factor for the industry-unique RadEditor is its highly compressed script size. The additional optimization of the script size results in swifter page rendering for a user experience with loading times that just pass unnoticed.
  3. New semantic rendering – The innovative lightweight skinning mechanism steps upon CSS Sprites for rendering Editor tools, resulting in tremendously optimized loading speed and simplified customization through simple CSS.
  4. Simplified inline tool declaration – RadEditor Prometheus features an intuitive way to populate tool lists through intellisense, eliminating the need to manually configure settings by writing code and scanning through XML files.
  5. Single-file, drag-and-drop deployment – RadEditor Prometheus enables you to deploy RadEditor with a single assembly file with no need to copy the RadControls folder to the root folder of your web-application.
  6. Full keyboard accessibility – Overcoming one of the major accessibility glitches that most rich-text editors face today, RadEditor is now a fully keyboard navigable component. Identically to the well-known Word® keyboard shortcuts, you can use arrows/tab to navigate, use up/down to expand and Enter to select a value.
  7. Multi-mode skinning on a single page - This feature of RadEditor Prometheus allows for placing multiple Editors with different skins on the same page. This, along with the advanced skinning mechanism, ensures a maximum visual blend to cover even the most demanding design schemes.

The new version of RadChart “Prometheus” comes with a number of novel features and enhancements delivering rich functionality and data presentation capabilities. Its innovative rendering engine provides remarkable performance quality and polished images, enhancing the overall user experience. RadChart introduces also:

  1. YAxis supporting logarithmic scaling
  2. A new CandleStick financial chart
  3. Support for spline curve areas. The curve behaves the same way the normal spline curve does, but also offers the possibility to fill the belonging area.
  4. RadChart now features a so-called "strict mode" for bar series. All XValues will be respected and bars will be positioned according to their XValues. If, however, you don't have any series items with XValues then RadChart will resume standard sequential ordering of each item.
  5. Support for empty values approximation. If your dataset is missing a value RadChart can approximate it for you.
  6. Scalebreaks allowing you to "break off" large chunks of the axis so that graphs with great amplitudes are easier to read.
  7. New intelligent labels dramatically increasing readability in very busy charts. The charting engine now supports newline in all chart labels.
  8. The new Marked Zones now provide another option for chart customization


What’s Fixed

  1. Added VS 2008 support to RadAjaxManager “Prometheus”
  2. RadAjax “Prometheus” no longer cause second GET request to the server under FF in some cases
  3. RadAjaxManager can now be properly selected as initiator in the design-time configuration.
  4. Controls are no longer rendered twice in case of double control AjaxSetting.
  5. AjaxPanel no longer performs postback instead of AJAX call when EventValidation is disabled
  6. Fixed an exception in RadAjaxControl.js when request times out
  7. Double styles registration (<link> elements) is now fixed.
  8. ResponseEnd is no longer called when perform AjaxRequest() manually


What’s New:

  1. RadDatePicker: new rendering mechanism which allows for proper support of different width/height units (e.g. percentage)
  2. RadDateTimePicker / RadTimePicker: Shared TimeView functionality.

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadDatePicker: the ErrorMessage for the client-side validation is now displayed / hidden on focus / blur (as the standard ASP.NET controls do).
  2. RadDatePicker: the calendar component did not trigger client validation immediately but only on postback. The issue is now fixed.
  3. RadDatePicker: DateInput month single entry evaluation issue if the current month has less days than the selected one is now fixed.
  4. RadDatePicker : clearing the date in the OnError client-side event handler of the DateInput no longer sets the invalid style for the control.
  5. RadDatePicker: DateInput problem with setting DateFormat to tt hh:mm:ss is now fixed.
  6. RadDatePicker: DateInput problem with Chinese (Taiwan) culture is now fixed.
  7. RadDatePicker: issue with mootools script on date selection (Firefox only) is now fixed.
  8. RadDateTimePicker / RadTimePicker: TimeView popup above now works as expected.
  9. RadCalendar: a problem with the FocusedDate property in a MultiView calendar.


What’s Fixed:

  1. Fixed a problem where Sys.Application.init was called twice in Opera.
  2. RadColorPicker now displays as expected in Opera
  3. RadColorPicker now correctly calculates its width when used with RadAjax Prometheus.


What’s New:

  1. Added HighlightedCssClass property.

What’s Fixed:

  1. The dock is now correctly rendered when its parent is not visible.
  2. Fixed a IE6 bug with the dock commands width.
  3. Fixed a problem with pin/unpin.
  4. The CommandsContainer width is now properly calculated.
  5. set_Closed() now properly hides the RadDock control.
  6. When a dock with specified Width is docked from a zone with FitDocks=true to a zone with FitDocks=false, its Width is no longer kept like it is inside a zone with FitDocks=true.
  7. OnPreRender is now properly raised when the control is a child of a hidden RadDockZone, but is docked in another, visible RadDockzone control.
  8. OnClientCommand of a custom command now takes dock as a first argument
  9. When a RadDock control has no specified height, after collapsing and performing postback the control can now be properly expanded


What’s New:

  1. New rendering mechanism for RadInput controls which allows for proper support of different width/height units (e.g. percentage)
  2. New client-side event OnValueChanging fired just prior to changing the field value.

What’s Fixed:

  1. RadInput controls: last character is no longer cut off when the control is updated by an AjaxTimer.
  2. RadDateInput: month single entry evaluation issue if the current month has less days than the selected one is now fixed.
  3. RadDateInput: clearing the date in the OnError client-side event handler no longer sets the invalid style for the control.
  4. RadDateInput: problem with setting DateFormat to tt hh:mm:ss is now fixed.
  5. RadDateInput: problem with Chinese (Taiwan) culture is now fixed.
  6. RadNumericTextBox: fixed parsing issues with the client-side SetValue(...) method when the decimal separator for the control is different from decimal point (also the OnValueChanged client-side event fired erroneously on certain occasions when the decimal separator for the control is different from decimal point).
  7. RadMaskedTextbox / RadNumericTextBox: the value is now restored on form reset.
  8. RadMaskedTextBox: problem with the ViewState persistance of the Mask / DisplayMask properties is now fixed.
  9. RadMaskedTextBox: Text value is no longer lost on postback when the control is set up with Mask in the code-behind.
  10. RadMaskedTextBox: problem when swapping the Mask of the control is now fixed.
  11. RadMaskedTextBox: the Text is now properly parsed if it is declaratively set before the Mask property.
  12. RadMaskedTextBox: copy / paste JavaScript error in Internet Explorer is now fixed..


What’s Fixed:

  1. A style issue in FF 1.0.7 is now fixed.
  2. A problem with invalid initial values is now fixed.
  3. Value is now properly updated when increasing it.
  4. A JS error when min value equals max value is now fixed.
  5. RadSlider is no longer duplicated when updated with old RadAjax.
  6. A problem where Sys.Application.init was called twice in Opera is now fixed.


What’s Fixed:

  1. OnClientUndocked event now fires as expected in all cases.
  2. Fixed a problem where Sys.Application.init was called twice in Opera.
  3. The VisibleDuringInit behavior is now corrected.
  4. Fixed a performance issue with resizing a pane with a lot of controls.
  5. A problem when width/height are "" is now fixed.
  6. Fixed a problem where the splitterLoadedHandler was executed even when the Splitter was not being updated with Ajax


What’s Fixed:

  1. When you have scrolled down and then open a sticky tooltip, it appears not to be sticky. The problem is now fixed.
  2. Updated the code so that the ((IStateManager)TargetControls).SaveViewState() would work properly.
  3. When both Title and Alt attributes are set - you get both a Telerik and a browser tooltip. This is now fixed.
  4. Fixed a problem when creating a RadToolTipManager dynamically without setting an ID.
  5. Fixed a problem with the tooltip gradually losing height when being shown multiple times programatically with tooltip.show()
  6. RadTooltip now properly disposes when in Ajax UpdatePanel.
  7. Fixed a problem where the tooltips are doubled on page load


What’s New:

  1. New transparency and animations effects.
  2. You can now set different skins on different windows on the same page.
  3. The restriction of always having a RadWindowManager is now removed which allows for easier customizability in a broader range of scenarios.

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