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UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2007.1521

May 21, 2007

What’s New in RadControls “Prometheus” for ASP.NET Q1 2007 Service Pack 1 (Version Number 2007.1.521):


What’s New:

  1. RadAjaxManagerProxy control is now added.
  2. RadAjaxManager AjaxSettingCreating and AjaxSettingCreated events are now added.

What’s Fixed:

  1. AjaxManager DefaultLoadingPanelID from smart tag no longer crashes Visual Studio.
  2. ProxySrciptControl now resolves embedded scripts using the correct type (problem with inherits).
  3. NullReferenceException with AddAjaxSetting() method is fixed. RadAjaxManager is now registered using Page_InitComplete instead of Page_Init.
  4. Empty args.EventTarget & args.EventArgument in OnResponseEnd client-side event of RadAjaxControl are now corrected.
  5. Child controls script references are now properly resolved (DatePicker problem).
  6. InitializeRequest is no longer skipped in case of initiator child control.
  7. Loading panels are now shown as expected when an AJAX call is made by initiator child control.
  8. RadComboBox "Unspecified error" IE problem when in RadAjaxPanel is now fixed.
  9. RadAjaxPanel AJAX is now enabled when the panel is initially invisible.
  10. CSS are now applied before html replace & JavaScripts execution.
  11. Resolving scripts references of IScriptControl child controls now works as expected.


What’s New:

  1. RadDockZone new property - Docks: Gets the collection containing the currently docked RadDock controls
  2. RadDock new property - Closed: Gets or sets the value, indicating whether the control is visible on the client, or not. The closed RadDock controls are rendered with style="display:none;". The property is persisted in the DockState objects.
  3. RadDock new property - EnableDrag: Gets or sets the value, indicating whether the user is allowed to drag the control with the mouse.
  4. RadDock new property - CommandsAutoPostBack: Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control will initiate postback when its command items are clicked.
  5. RadDock new client-side events: DragStart, Drag, DragEnd, Initialize (the server-side properties are prefixed with OnClient).
  6. RadDockZone new property - FitDocks: Gets or sets a value, indicating whether the control will set the size of the docked RadDock controls to 100% depending the control Orientation. Currently, works only on vertical zones.

What’s Fixed:

  1. The RadDock controls are now unregistered with the RadDockLayout when they are disposed.
  2. The DockPositionChanging/ed client-side events are now raised in the correct order.
  3. The DockPositionChanged client-side event is now raised only once.


What’s New:

  1. RadColorPicker now detects the borders of the browser window and repositions the color palette before it is opened (in case it is initially invisible).


What’s Fixed:

  1. RadSlider now works as expected when it is placed in an initially invisible container.


What’s New:

1. RadPane new method - GetExpandedSize: Get the expanded Size of the pane, when the pane is collapsed. In case the Orientation of the splitter is Vertical, returns the expanded Height, otherwise the expanded Width.

What’s Fixed:

1. RadSplitter now behaves correctly when in Design mode.

2. RadSlidingZone (SlideDirection=Top/Bottom) now resizes correctly when one of the RadSlidingPanes is docked.


What’s New:

1. Two new Animations (FlyIn and Slide) are available

2. RadTooltipManager now detects partial page updates and re-initializes updated page portions

What’s Fixed:

1. RadTooltipManager would not work properly after and AJAX update in some scenarios. Fixed.

2. RadTooltipManager now persists its target controls collection after postback.

3. RadTooltip would not display as expected if its target element was <TH>. Fixed.

4. RadTooltip would throw a JavaScript error after AJAX request when moving mouse over button, clicking it and updating by AJAX too fast. Fixed.

5. RadTooltip would throw a JavaScript error if an update panel is inside it, and a button or an image button is clicked to make an AJAX update. Fixed.

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