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UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2007.1423

April 22, 2007

RadControls "Prometheus" is the code name for the next-generation of Telerik's ASP.NET UI control suite. Just as ASP.NET AJAX will be the future of ASP.NET, RadControls "Prometheus" represents the future direction of the Telerik web development tools and aims to deliver unmatched richness, reliability and productivity to Telerik customers. The new suite of controls will also pave the way for seamless integration with the new Microsoft Silverlight framework for the delivery of richer and more engaging web applications.

RadAjax “Prometheus” is the first productivity tool for Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX. Borrowing the unique concepts of Telerik RadAjax for ASP.NET, this new product allows you to build ASP.NET AJAX applications with minimum effort – no need to use UpdatePanels, no need to set triggers, no need to write any code, no need to modify your application.

Just like any other product in the new RadControls “Prometheus” for ASP.NET, RadAjax “Prometheus” will be the successor of RadAjax for ASP.NET. The new edition consists of the same controls (RadAjaxManager, RadAjaxPanel, and RadAjaxLoadingPanel) however is implemented according to the new “Prometheus” technology. The major characteristics of RadAjax “Prometheus” are the following:

· Built on top of Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX, using its programming model

· Uses the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX engine, not the Telerik proprietary AJAX engine

· Supports only .NET 2.0 framework, while the current RadAjax supports 1.x as well

· Will include new features and performance optimizations, made possible by the underlying Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX framework

· Backwards compatible with RadAjax for ASP.NET (requires minor changes)

· Seamlessly interoperates with all other RadControls for ASP.NET

Telerik RadColorPicker is a lightweight UI component that allows users to select colors from the RGB or HEX color spaces using a configurable palette view. The color palettes are skinnable and highly configurable. Thanks to the underlying ASP.NET AJAX framework the selected color can be immediately reflected on the server.

RadColorPicker Key Features:

  1. 25 Preset Color Palettes
    To speed up your work RadColorPicker is shipped with 25 ready-to-use color palettes like Grayscale, Web216, ReallyWebSafe, Office, etc.
  2. Custom Color Palettes
    You can easily define your custom color palette, as well as combine custom with preset palettes when necessary.
  3. Automatic Picker Button
    RadColorPicker can render a picker button, which will open the color palette. The picker button will also display the currently selected color. Alternatively, the palette can be always visible or can be evoked using the client-side API.
  4. NoColor and ColorPreview Elements
    Depending on the particular settings, RadColorPicker can display a “No Color” button in the color palette. furthermore, a color preview area can also be enable to display the actual color and its hex code.
  5. Configurable Palette Layout
    You can define the number of color columns to be displayed in the color palette. Alternatively, those can be configured automatically.
  6. Automatic color box sizing
    The size of the color boxes in the palette is automatically calculated according to the Columns property to fit the given Width property. The boxes are with equal width and height. By default the size of each color box is 15px/15px
  7. Advanced Skinning
    The visual appearance of the color palette can be easily customized through skins. You can use one of the predefined skins or create your own.

Telerik RadDock is versatile component for page personalization. It represents a content placeholder, which can be moved, docked/undocked, resized, pinned, minimized, etc. The customized page layout can be saved to a file or database and reloaded when needed, which is a typical requirement for portals and client extranets.

RadDock Key Features:

  1. Various Dock Modes
    You can specify whether the RadDock control can be docked into a RadDockZone control, or to be left floating on the screen, or both.
  2. RadDock Commands
    RadDock offers standard action commands ExpandCollapse/PinUnpin/Close that are enabled by setting the DefaultCommands property. Besides these commands developers can create custom commands and handle their events on the client or the server.
  3. Save/Load State
    All changes made to the dynamic page layouts can be stored on the server and reloaded when needed. This is an excellent way for portal customization and preservation of user layout settings.
  4. Docking to Specific Zones Only
    The RadDock controls can be configured in such a way that allows them to be docked only to specific docking zones.
  5. Fixed or Resizable Zones The docking zones can be set to have fixed width and/or height or to be resizable, which is their default state.
  6. Customizable Visual Appearance
    The visual appearance of the dockable objects and zones can be controled through skins.
  7. Zone Highlighting
    When a RadDock control is about to be docked into a RadDockZone control, the latter shows a drop placeholder, indicating the new position of the RadDock control.
  8. Reorder Objects in a Zone
    The RadDock control has Index property, which could be used to retrieve its position in the parent RadDockZone control.
  9. Accessing Child Controls
    The RadDock control acts like a regular panel - the Visual Studio designer adds member variables to the page for each of the inner controls.

Telerik RadSlider is a flexible UI component that allows users to select a value from a defined range using a smooth or step-based slider. The control is completely customizable in terms of appearance and offers numerous configuration options like orientation, click offset, mouse wheel support, etc.

RadSlider Key Features:

1. Horizontal/Vertical Orientation
Depending on your need RadSlider can be displayed horizontally or vertically on the page by setting the Orientation property.

2. Decrease/Increase/Drag Handles
The slider layout can be customized using one of the handle properties that control which slider handles will be displayed – Increase Handle, Decrease Handle or Drag Handle.

3. Slider Animation
You can create smooth slide animations to a specified point without any browser interference. The animation duration is defined in milliseconds.

4. MouseWheel Support
Grabbing and dragging can be annoying at times, so that’s why mouse wheel support could be a very nice alternative. When users move the mouse wheel over the slider, its default value the will change. That value will increase/decrease with one SlideStep, which is again configurable.

5. ClickOffset
You can define the change in value of the distance, at which the slider will jump slider when the user clicks on the track. In its default mode, the slider will automatically scroll to the value which has been clicked by the user.

6. View-Only Mode
In some cases you might need to simply display the slider as disabled, and prohibit changes in its value.

7. Advanced Skinning
The visual appearance of RadSlider can be easily customized through skins. You can use one of the predefined skins or create your own.

Telerik RadSplitter is a flexible UI component for building powerful ASP.NET applications and allows users manage effectively the size and the layout of their page content. Layouts can be conveniently enhanced with sliding panes, dockable panels, resizable areas and many more splitter elements just as in Visual Studio but boosted with ASP.NET AJAX capabilities.

RadSplitter Key Features:

  1. Resizable panels
    One of the two main applications of RadSplitter is for implementing resizable panels, similar to frames. When the user drags the splitter bar, the panels on the left and/or right of the splitter are resized using one of the following 3 algorithms:
    • AdjacentPane (default) - only the adjacent panes of the dragged split bar will be affected.
    • EndPane - only the left (top) adjacent pane and the right (bottom) most pane will be affected.
    • Proportional – the width (height) of the affected panels will be adjusted proportionally.
  2. Sliding panels
    Another interface implementation possible with RadSplitter are sliding panels that appear over the content, just like in Visual Studio .Net. Those can be pinned in order to be always visible, or expandable on hover/click depending on the settings.
  3. Unlimited nesting
    RadSplitter allows for unlimited nesting of panels, which is appropriate for more complex interfaces. By default the nested splitters will be resized when the pane is resized. You can, of course, change this behavior by simply setting the ResizeWithParentPane property to false.
  4. Horizontal/Vertical splitter orientation
    Splitter panels can be configured to split the allotted horizontally or vertically, and collapse/expand in those directions respectively.
  5. Support for 100% height/width
    RadSplitter panels can be easily configured to accommodate 100% of the available width/height, just like tables. If the containing window is resized the splitter will adjust its layout accordingly.
  6. Persisting layout state
    All changes to the layout (resizing, collapsing, pinning, etc.), performed by the user are automatically persisted on the server. As a result you don't have to reconfigure it every time to maintain the same appearance after each postback.
  7. Save/Load layout state
    The RadSplitter server-side API allows you to save/load the current layout state. As a result you can easily implement interface customization features in your applications.
  8. Control over the initial panel state
    Developers have full control over the initial state, dimensions, and settings of each pane.
  9. Loading external content
    Individual RadSplitter panels can accommodate content from different sources, similarly to the way frames work.
  10. Live resize
    RadSplitter can be configured to show the panel content during resizing. Although user experience is improved in this mode, there is more CPU load associated with the real-time redrawing of the content.
  11. Printing individual panels
    RadSplitter provides an interface for printing individual panel content. Due to the security mechanism of browsers, if you are using external content its URL must be from the same domain as the parent page in order to be printable. If the panel is not displaying external content then you can specify a stylesheet, which will be used to format the printed content.

Telerik RadToolTip is a context-sensitive tool for displaying rich tooltips, detailed information, overlaid forms, or just about anything that should appear over a given element OnMouseOver. The tooltip area is completely customizable, can be loaded on demand with ASP.NET AJAX and be displayed using different animation effects.

RadToolTip Key Features:

  1. Display HTML and ASP.NET Controls
    You can create not only rich-text tooltips, but also interactive forms with standard ASP.NET and user controls. This will allow you to create context sensitive interfaces which do not permanently occupy space on the form.
  2. Add Tooltips to a Single or Multiple Elements
    RadToolTip allows you to easily add tooltips to a single element, groups of elements, or all elements on the page at once. You can have different tooltip configurations and content for the different groups of elements.
  3. Load on Demand
    Instead of preloading all tooltip content, you can use the built-in ASP.NET AJAX mechanism to load it only after the user hovers with the mouse over the trigger element. This is especially useful if you are showing large files in the tooltip (e.g. videos or large images). The load on demand feature will significantly reduce the initial page loading time and will keep the page size smaller.
  4. Full Control over Tooltip Position
    You can completely configure the way the tooltip is displayed a on which side, at what offset, and relative to the mouse or to a triggering element.
  5. Show on Event
    RadToolTip can be configured to be shown not only on mouse over, but also on click, on right-click, or on focus.
  6. Close on Click
    Similarly to the various options for showing the tooltip area, it can be closed not only on mouse out, but also on click. The latter behavior simulates window behavior and is especially useful when using interactive forms or important messages that require user cognitive reaction.
  7. Mouse Trailing
    When mouse trailing is turned on, the tooltip will not stay static relative to the trigger element, but will rather move with the mouse as long as the cursor is still over the trigger element.
  8. Sticky Tooltips
    Sticky functionality should be used when the toolitp should behave like a menu, dropdown, or a context menu. It prevents the tooltip from hiding when the mouse is move away from the target element, so content in the tooltip itself can be selected. The tooltip will close when the mouse moves its boundaries.
  9. Show Delay and AutoClose Delays
    You control the delay after which the tooltip is shown or hidden.
  10. Animation effects
    You can use animation effects when showing/hiding the tooltip. At present RadToolTip provides two types of animations - Fade and Resize. By default the tooltip uses no animation.
  11. MS AJAX Update Panel in RadToolTip
    RadToolTip can smoothly work with the UpdatePanels of the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX framework to create even more interactive forms/interfaces. For example, you easily place an UpdatePanel in RadToolTip area and so that it uses AJAX calls to communicate with the server and update the tooltip area.
  12. Content scrolling
    RadToolTip supports scrolling if you are trying to show lengthy content.
  13. Advanced Skinning
    The visual appearance of RadToolTip can be easily customized through skins. You can use one of the predefined skins or create your own.

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