Add border, padding, and margin to RadTileList Groups
How to apply border around RadTileList groups and modify the padding and margin of the groups and Tiles.
All Telerik Controls come with certain default styling applied with the built-in stylesheets. Any desired modification of the built-in appearance can be achieved by adding new CSS rules and overriding the default design.
With the help of the class names, added to the elements of the Html structure rendered by the RadTileList, you can apply styles separately to the Tiles, TileGroups, entire TileList, or any internal Html tag part of the control structure.
The exact Html structure of the Tile List will depend on the specific declaration and settings of the control. You can find a list of the CSS classes applied with RadTileList in the CSS Classes article.
Here is a wireframe of the usual structure with some of the class names of the elements that you can use for styling the control:
<div class="RadTileList">
<div class="rtlistScrollWrapper">
<div class="rtlistGroup">
<div class="rtlistHeader"></div>
<div class="rtlistWrapper">
<div class="RadTile">
<div class="rtileContent">
<div class="rtileTopContent">
<img class="rtileContentImage" />
<div class="rtileBottomContent"><!--Tile bottom content renders here--></div>
<div class="rtilePeekContent"></div>
<div class="rtileSelectedIcon"></div>
<!--...other Tiles...-->
<div class="rtlistWrapper">
<!--...more Tiles...-->
<div class="rtlistGroupSeparator"> </div>
<div class="rtlistGroup">
<!--Group content here - Header, Wrappers, Tiles-->
<!-- ... other Groups ... -->
Based on the Html structure of the Control, below is a sample CSS for adding border, padding, and margin to the RadTileList's Groups:
html body .RadTileList .rtlistGroup{
border:1px solid red;