How to access controls in the advanced form
Access controls in the advanced form of RadScheduler
RadScheduler's FormCreated event allows you to access elements on the advanced form. This is achieved using the FindControl method of e.Container and passing as an argument the last part of the rendered control's ID. For example, to access the advanced controls' panel, you need to use e.Container.FindControl("AdvancedControlsPanel").
The description labels Resources require a different approach since they are WebControls which dynamically add the label. For example, suppose you want to modify the description for the Room's resource:
You still need to use the FindControl() method. However, e.Container.FindControl("LblResRoom") will return a WebControl. Once you get this WebControl you can clear its children and add a new label dynamically.
protected void RadScheduler1_FormCreated(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.SchedulerFormCreatedEventArgs e)
if ((e.Container.Mode == SchedulerFormMode.AdvancedEdit) || (e.Container.Mode == SchedulerFormMode.AdvancedInsert))
//Find and hide the advanced control panel:
//Panel advancedPanel = (Panel)e.Container.FindControl("AdvancedControlsPanel");
//advancedPanel.Visible = false;
//Find the Subject textbox and set its Height:
RadTextBox subjectTextbox = (RadTextBox)e.Container.FindControl("Subject");
subjectTextbox.Height = Unit.Pixel(20);
subjectTextbox.Label = "Subject (modified):";
//Find the RadComboBox control for the Room resource and set its SelectedIndex property.
//This is useful if you want to default to a specific resource selection. However,
//you should leave only the AdvancedInsert clause from the if statement above.
//RadComboBox resRoomDDL = (RadComboBox)e.Container.FindControl("ResRoom");
//resRoomDDL.SelectedIndex = 2;
//Find the TextBox for the Description custom attribute and set its background color and label:
RadTextBox attrAnnotationsTextbox = (RadTextBox)e.Container.FindControl("AttrDescription");
attrAnnotationsTextbox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
attrAnnotationsTextbox.Label = "Description(modified): ";
//Change the description for the Room resource:
WebControl resWebcontrol1 = (WebControl)e.Container.FindControl("LblResRoom");
Label resLabel1 = new Label();
resLabel1.Text = "Room(modified):";