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Redirect to Another Page from the Server


ProductProgress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX


How can I redirect to a new page from the server with Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX?


To redirect to a new page from the server, use wither of the following approaches:

  • Use the Response.Redirect(), which is the standard ASP.NET way of redirection.

  • Generate JavaScript that sets window.location.href.

If Response.Redirect() does not work for you, for example, if called during partial rendering, you can use the script generation approach through a RadAjaxControl.Redirect() server method exposed by the AjaxManager and the AjaxPanel. This Telerik method registers JavaScript code that uses the window.location.href property to navigate to a new URL while providing you with the convenience of using a simple server method.

The following example demonstrates how to use Redirect() of the AjaxManager.


The following example demonstrates how to use Redirect() of the AjaxPanel.


See Also