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RadGrid ClientDataSource binding and batch editing: page is reset to 1 after deleting a record
Client side bound Radgrid with batch editing: if you page the grid and do a client side delete. then save the changes, the active page in the pager goes to number 1 page.
You can store the current page index when a row is deleted and in the next page command, .page() the grid to the previous page.
var currPageWhenDeleting;
function OnRowDeleted(sender, args) {
currPageWhenDeleting = sender.get_masterTableView().get_currentPageIndex();
function OnCommand(sender, args) {
if (currPageWhenDeleting && args.get_commandName() == "Page") {
var restorePage = currPageWhenDeleting;
currPageWhenDeleting = null; //clear the original flag to avoid an endless loop
setTimeout(function () {
sender.get_masterTableView().page(restorePage + 1); //restore the previous page
}, 100);
<telerik:RadGrid RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadGrid1" runat="server">
<MasterTableView EditMode="Batch">
<ClientEvents OnCommand="OnCommand" OnRowDeleted="OnRowDeleted" />