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Use RadSpell as a Custom Dialog


Use RadSpell dialog as a Custom tool of RadEditor


The code below demonstrates how to integrate the RadSpell dialog in RadEditor as a custom tool:

<telerik:radspell id="spell1" runat="server" buttontype="none" /> 
<telerik:radeditor runat="server" id="RadEditor1" Height="400px" Width="680px">  
     <telerik:editortool name="SpellCheck" /> 
  There are somee miztakes in this text  
 <SpellCheckSettings SpellCheckProvider="PhoneticProvider" WordIgnoreOptions="RepeatedWords" /> 
<script type="text/javascript">  
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList.SpellCheck = function(commandName, editor)  
 var spell = GetRadSpell('<%= spell1.ClientID %>');  
 spell.spellCheck(new PrometheusTextSource(editor));  
 return false;  
var PrometheusTextSource = function(editor)  
 this._editor = editor;  
 this.get_text = function() { return this._editor.get_html(); };  
 this.set_text = function(value) { this._editor.set_html(value); };  
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