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Style is inserted in text when deleting paragraph tag


Product Version2019.3.917
ProductRadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX


These inline styles are applied by the Chrome/Safari browser as the parent page has some default decoration regarding the page's text.

Steps to Reproduce

Here are the steps to simulate:

  1. I have existing text in the editor which does not have any style formatting, e.g.

<p>line 1</p><p>line 2</p>

  1. Now put the cursor in the beginning of the second paragraph and hit backspace
  2. As you can see from the HTML view mode it now adds a tag with formatting


For ContentAreaMode="iframe":

The following solution will clear out any CSS files or styles derived from the parent page and may server as a possible workaround:

<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" ContentAreaMode="iframe">
        <telerik:EditorCssFile Value="~/Empty.css" />

For ContentAreaMode="div" or for the inline editor: Define a CSS class for the RadEditor div content area which applies a default font and color to the paragraphs:

.reContentArea p {
	font: 13px Arial !important;
	color: black;