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Customizing RadButton Styles to Match Bootstrap Themes


RadButton for ASP.NET AJAX2024.2.513


Creating custom CSS styles for the RadButton to match the Bootstrap theme colors can enhance the visual consistency of your web application. This KB article also answers the following questions:

  • How can I apply Bootstrap colors to Telerik RadButton?
  • What is the correct way to style RadButton to match a Bootstrap theme?
  • How do I ensure custom styles for RadButton override default styles?


To customize the RadButton styles and match them with Bootstrap themes, follow these steps:

  1. Increase the specificity of your CSS selectors to ensure they override the default RadButton styles. This approach helps in applying the custom styles without using the !important declaration.

  2. Apply the CSS styles for each button state (default, hover, focus, etc.) as needed.

Here is an example of custom CSS that applies Bootstrap theme colors to RadButton:

/* Custom styles for Telerik RadButton */
html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbPrimary {
    background-color: #007bff; /* Bootstrap primary color */
    border-color: #007bff;
    color: #fff;

html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbSecondary {
    background-color: #6c757d; /* Bootstrap secondary color */
    border-color: #6c757d;
    color: #fff;

/* Repeat for other Bootstrap color classes as needed */

/* Styles for hover state */
html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbPrimary:hover,
html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbSecondary:hover {
    opacity: 0.85;
  1. Add the custom class to your RadButton components in the ASPX page:
<telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Primary" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbPrimary" />
<telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton2" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Secondary" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbSecondary" />
<!-- Add more buttons as needed -->

By following these steps and increasing the specificity of your CSS selectors, you can successfully apply Bootstrap theme colors to Telerik RadButtons, ensuring a consistent and appealing design across your web application.

Here is the complete example

  <style type="text/css">
            /* Custom styles for Telerik RadButton */
            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbPrimary {
                background-color: #007bff ; /* Bootstrap primary color */
                border-color: #007bff ;
                color: #fff ;
                padding-left: 0px;

            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbSecondary  {
                background-color: #6c757d; /* Bootstrap secondary color */
                border-color: #6c757d;
                color: #fff;

            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbSuccess {
                background-color: #28a745; /* Bootstrap success color */
                border-color: #28a745;
                color: #fff;

            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbDanger {
                background-color: #dc3545; /* Bootstrap danger color */
                border-color: #dc3545;
                color: #fff;

            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbWarning {
                background-color: #ffc107; /* Bootstrap warning color */
                border-color: #ffc107;
                color: #212529;

            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbInfo {
                background-color: #17a2b8; /* Bootstrap info color */
                border-color: #17a2b8;
                color: #fff;


            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbLight {
                background-color: #f8f9fa; /* Bootstrap light color */
                border-color: #f8f9fa;
                color: #212529;

            html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbDark {
                background-color: #343a40; /* Bootstrap dark color */
                border-color: #343a40;
                color: #fff;

                /* Add any additional styles for hover, focus, etc. */
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbPrimary:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbSecondary:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbSuccess:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbDanger:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbWarning:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbInfo:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbLight:hover,
                html body .RadButton_Bootstrap.rbButton.rbDark:hover {
                    opacity: 0.85;
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Primary" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbPrimary" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton2" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Secondary" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbSecondary" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton3" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Success" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbSuccess" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton4" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Danger" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbDanger" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton5" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Warning" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbWarning" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton6" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Info" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbInfo" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton7" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Light" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbLight" />
        <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton8" runat="server" Skin="Bootstrap" Text="Dark" CssClass="RadButton_Bootstrap rbDark" />


  • Ensure to test the custom styles across different browsers to maintain consistency.
  • Consider using a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS for more dynamic and manageable styling.

See Also