Filter file selection in the upload dialog
Filter the files shown to the user when selecting a file to upload through RadAsyncUpload.
This allows the user to only see the files they can upload and you, as the developer, can limit that choice.
With current browsers (IE9 and above, Chrome, Firefox), RadAsyncUpload uses the HTML5 FileAPI
to upload files.
Browsers can interpret the accept
attribute of the <input type="file"/>
in order to filter the files the end user can see through their MIME types.
You can define a set of MIME types that match the extensions you want to allow and set the accept attribute of the file input in the OnClientAdded event. Keep in mind that some file formats should be passed as extension, e.g. for a Comma Separated Excel file, you should add .csv
in the data-clientFilter
<telerik:RadAsyncUpload runat="server" ID="RadAsyncUpload1"
data-clientFilter="image/png, image/jpeg, video/mp4"
function OnClientAdded(sender, args) {
var allowedMimeTypes = $telerik.$(sender.get_element()).attr("data-clientFilter");
$telerik.$(args.get_row()).find(".ruFileInput").attr("accept", allowedMimeTypes);