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The server-side OnPreviousButtonClick event occurs when a the previous button is clicked.

The OnPreviousButtonClick event handler receives two arguments:

  1. The RadWizard that contains the active step. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWizard type.

  2. A WizardEventArgs object. This object has two properties:

    • CurrentStepIndex - the current step index.

    • CurrentStep - a reference the current step.

    • NextStepIndex - the next step index.

    • NextStep - a reference to the next step.

Use the OnPreviousButtonClick event handler to respond when a the previous button is clicked.

protected void RadWizard1_PreviousButtonClick(object sender, WizardEventArgs e)
	Label1.Text = "You clicked on PreviousButton button";
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