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Wizard Object
The RadWizard client-side object exposes the following public methods and properties to control its behavior:
RadWizard Client-Side Methods
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_activeIndex | int | Returns the active step index. | |
get_activeWizardStep | Telerik.Web.UI.RadWizardStep | Returns active RadWizardStep object. | |
get_renderedSteps | Telerik.Web.UI.RadWizardStepCollection | Returns a collection of RadWizardStep contained in RadWizard control. | |
get_cancelButtonElement | HTML element | Returns the cancel button HTML element. | |
get_finishButtonElement | HTML element | Returns the finish button HTML element. | |
get_previousButtonElement | HTML element | Returns previous button HTML element. | |
get_nextButtonElement | HTML element | Returns next button HTML element. | |
get_progressPercent | int | Returns the current RadWizard level of completion. | |
get_history | Array | Returns an array of indexes of the steps that have been activated. They are also arranged in the same order they have been activated. | |
set_activeIndex | int | Sets an active step for the RadWizard with the same index as the one sent as parameter. | |
set_activeWizardStep | Telerik.Web.UI.RadWizardStep | Sets an active step for the RadWizard control. | |
set_progressPercent | int | Sets the RadWizard current value of the progress. |