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Skin Selectors

The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadWizard style sheets.

Class NameElementDescription
RadWizardDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard.
RadWizard_[Skin] e.g RadWizard_SilkDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with applied skin name.
RadWizard_rtlApplied to the root element of the Wizard with right to left direction.
rwzHorizontalDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with top or bottom navigation bar position.
rwzVerticalDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with left or right navigation bar position.
rwzBottomBreadCrumbDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with bottom navigation bar position .
rwzRightBreadCrumbDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with right navigation bar position
rwzTopProgressBarDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with top progress bar position.
rwzBottomProgressBarDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with bottom progress bar position.
rwzLeftProgressBarDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with left progress bar position.
rwzRightProgressBarDIVApplied to the root element of the Wizard with right progress bar position.
rwzBreadCrumbULApplied to the navigation bar container.
rwzHiddenULApplied to the hidden navigation bar container.
rwzLeftImagesULApplied to the navigation bar container with images with left position.
.rmExpandedAApplied to the item's anchor tag when the item is opened.
rwzRightImagesULApplied to the navigation bar container with images with right position.
rwzLILIApplied to the li elements enclosing navigation bar step buttons.
rwzHoveredLIApplied to the hovered li elements enclosing navigation bar step buttons.
rwzSelectedLIApplied to the selected li elements enclosing navigation bar step buttons.
rwzDisabledLIApplied to the disabled li elements enclosing navigation bar step buttons.
rwzFirstLIApplied to the first li element enclosing navigation bar step buttons.
rwzLastLiApplied to the last li element enclosing navigation bar step buttons.
rwzLinkAApplied to anchors representing each navigation bar step button.
rwzTextSPANApplied to the SPAN elements enclosing text of each navigation bar step button.
rwzImageIMGApplied to images of navigation bar step buttons when ImgUrl property is set.
rwzImageSPANApplied to the SPAN elements which is a container for using sprite image for navigation bar step buttons (when SpriteCssClass is set)
rwzCalloutSPANApplied to the SPAN elements for displaying callouts of navigation bar step buttons.
rwzCallout:beforePSEUDO ELEMENTApplied to pseudo elements for displaying shadows of callouts of navigation bar step buttons.
rwzProgressBarDIVApplied to the progress bar element.
rwzHiddenDIVApplied to the hidden progress bar element.
rwzProgressSPANApplied to the SPAN elements to visualize progress of passed steps up to the active step.
rwzContentWrapperDIVApplied to the DIV elements enclosing content container.
rwzContentDIVApplied to the content scrollable container element.
rwzStepDIVApplied to the DIV elements representing content of each step.
rwzActiveDIVApplied to the DIV elements representing content of the active step.
rwzNavULApplied to the navigation buttons container.
rwzHiddenULApplied to the hidden navigation buttons container.
rwzLILIApplied to the li elements enclosing navigation buttons.
rwzRightLIApplied to the li elements enclosing navigation buttons with right position.
rwzButtonBUTTONApplied to the navigation buttons.
rwzHoveredBUTTONApplied to the hovered navigation buttons.
rwzClickedBUTTONApplied to the clicked navigation buttons.
rwzDisabledLI/BUTTONApplied to the disabled navigation buttons.
rwzNextBUTTONApplied to the navigation "Next" button.
rwzFinishBUTTONApplied to the navigation "Finish" button.
rwzTextBUTTONApplied to the SPAN elements enclosing text of navigation buttons.
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