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Opening Windows

In this article, we describe the methods and functions that you can use to open a RadWindow.

Several functions let you open a RadWindow object through a client-side JavaScript:

  • The show method lets you open a single window that has been declared on your page when there is no RadWindowManager object. You can use ASP.NET AJAX's $find method to obtain a reference to the window.

  • The method opens a window if you have a reference to a RadWindowManager object. You can easily obtain this reference by calling GetRadWindowManager.

  • The radopen function is essentially the same as GetRadWindowManager().open(). It requires the RadWindowManager to exist on the page, even though you do not explicitly reference it in your code.

  • The radalert, radconfirm, and radprompt functions open the built-in alert, confirm, and prompt dialogs. As with radopen, these functions require a RadWindowManager to be present on the page.

Using show()

The following code illustrates how to use the method to open a window when there is no RadWindowManager object:

var oWnd = $find("<%=RadWindow1.ClientID%>");

Using radopen and GetRadWindowManager().open

Both the radopen() function and the GetRadWindowManager().open() method take two required parameters and can take four optional parameters:

  • Url - supplies the URL for the content window. If the given argument is null, the NavigateUrl property set for the window on the server is used.

  • Name - the ID of the existing RadWindow object that you want to show. If the given argument is null, the function creates a new window with a random ID. If a window with the provided ID does not exist, a new one is created using this ID.

  • Optional: content element — a DOM element that will be placed in the ContentTemplate of the control. If one is provided and an URL is passed, the URL will be ignored. The content element argument is only available in the method, but not in the window.radopen() method.

  • Optional: Width, Height, Left, Top - Since Q1 2013, these four additional parameters can be used to specify the dimensions and position of a popup even while opening it. If these parameters are not passed, the values from the RadWindow's declaration will be used and in case they aren't specified or a dynamic instance is created, the dimensions will fall back to the default 300x300 pixels at the center of the screen.

Both functions return a reference to the RadWindow object, so it can be additionally configured using the various RadWindow methods. The following code illustrates the possibilities for using radopen. (Note, you could replace the call to radopen() with a call to GetRadWindowManager().open()).

//Open a new window, with no url set
var oWnd = radopen(null, null);

//Open a new window, set its url to Bing
var oWnd = radopen("", null);

//Open an existing window, without setting its URL
// The existing window's NavigateUrl property will be used
var oWnd = radopen(null, "WindowNameHere");

//Open Bing in existing window
var oWnd = radopen("", "WindowNameHere");

//Open a new window, set its size (800px wide, 600px tall) and position (20px offset from left and top)
var oWnd = radopen("", null, 800, 600, 20, 20);

//Open a new window, set its size (600px by 400px) and position (10px offset) and put a DOM element with id "someElement" in its ContentTemplate
var oWnd = GetRadWindowManager().open(null, null, $get("someElement"), 600, 400, 10, 10);


The following markup shows how to use radopen(), GetRadWindowManager().open(), and the RadWindow object's show() method to open a window:

//The RadWindowManager object has two child windows
<telerik:RadWindowManager RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server">
		<telerik:RadWindow RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadWindow1" runat="server" NavigateUrl="">
		<telerik:RadWindow RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadWindow2" runat="server" NavigateUrl="">
//The client-side code for opening windows
<script type="text/javascript">
	/* Using radopen */
	function ShowExisting1()
		//Show an existing window
		window.radopen(null, "RadWindow1");
		//First argument is the URL. Since no url is provided, the NavigateUrl property set on the server will be used.
	/* Using */
	function ShowExisting2()
		//Call existing global function to obtain a reference to the window manager
		var oManager = GetRadWindowManager();
		//Show a particular existing window, "RadWindow2");
	function ShowExisting3()
		var oWnd = $find("RadWindow1");;
	/* Show new window */
	function ShowNewWindow()
		//Show new window
		//not providing a name as a second parameter
		//creates a new window
		var oWindow = window.radopen("", null);
		//Using the reference to the window its clientside methods can be called
		oWindow.setSize(400, 400);

		//both of the above lines can be replaced with this:
		var oWindow2 = window.radopen("", null, 400, 400);

		//or with this
		var oWindow3 = $find("<%=RadWindowManager1.ClientID %>").open("", null, null, 400, 400);
		//where, the window.GetRadWindowManager() function can also be used to get a reference to the first manager on the page
call the various client-side functions
<button onclick="ShowExisting1();return false;" class="Button" style="width: 190px">
	Show window (using radopen)</button>
<button onclick="ShowExisting2();return false;" class="Button" style="width: 190px">
	Show window (using open)</button>
<button onclick="ShowExisting3();return false;" class="Button" style="width: 190px">
	Show window (using show)</button>
<button onclick="ShowNewWindow();return false;" class="Button" style="width: 190px">
	Show new window</button>

See Also