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Setting Handlers by Using JavaScript

You can add or remove client-side event handlers from the RadWindow control through its client-side API:

add_activateAdds a function that will be called when a RadWindow is activated. The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientActivate property.
add_autoSizeEndAdds a function that will be called when a RadWindow has finished resizing when the AutoSize functionality has taken effect. The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientAutoSizeEnd property.
add_beforeCloseAdds a function that will be called before RadWindow is closed. You can cancel the closing of RadWindow there by using set_cancel(true) . The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientBeforeClose property.
add_beforeShowAdds a function that will be called before RadWindow is shown. You can cancel the closing of RadWindow there by using set_cancel(true) . The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientBeforeShow property.
add_closeAdds a function that will be called when a RadWindow is closed. The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientClose property.
add_commandTAdds a function that will be called when the commands Pin, Reload, Minimize and Maximize are executed (when the user presses a titlebar button). The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientCommand property.
add_dragEndAdds a function that will be called when the user has finished dragging a RadWindow. The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientDragEnd property
add_dragStartAdds a function that will be called when the user starts dragging a RadWindow. The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientDragStart property.
add_pageLoadAdds a function that will be called when a RadWindow's content page is fully loaded. The name of this function can also be declared in the OnClientPageLoad property.
add_resizeAdds a function that will be called when the RadWindow is being resized. The name of this function can also be set in the OnClientResize property.
add_resizeEndAdds a function that will be called when the RadWindow is resized. The name of this function can also be set in the OnClientResizeEnd property.
add_resizeStartAdds a function that will be called when the RadWindow resizing is started. The name of this function can also be set in the OnClientResizeStart property.
add_showAdds a function that will be called when a RadWindow is shown. The name of this function can also be set in the OnClientShow property.
remove_activateRemoves a function declared with the add_activate function.
remove_autoSizeEndRemoves a function declared with the add_autoSizeEnd function.
remove_beforeCloseRemoves a function declared with the add_beforeclose function.
remove_beforeShowRemoves a function declared with the add_beforeShow function.
remove_closeRemoves a function declared with the add_close function
remove_commandRemoves a function declared with the add_command function
remove_dragEndRemoves a function declared with the add_dragEnd function.
remove_dragStartRemoves a function declared with the add_dragStart function.
remove_pageLoadRemoves a function declared with the add_pageLoad function.
remove_resizeRemoves a function declared with the add_resize function.
remove_resizeEndRemoves a function declared with the add_resizeEnd function.
remove_resizeStartRemoves a function declared with the add_resizeStart function.
remove_showRemoves a function declared with the add_show function.

Calling an add_<event> method multiple times will add the function multiple times for execution. This means that if you do not dispose the RadWindow instance event handlers can be added multiple times which is not always desired. Often add_close() is called when a RadWindow is shown. To avoid such behavior you should either call remove_close() in the OnClientClose event hander that was just attached, or use a global flag to check if the handler is already added, or use the DestroyOnClose functionality to dispose the instance when it is closed.

You can set client events for RadWindow on the client via JavaScript by using the corresponding methods. The example below is based on the Client Side Events demo and shows how to set client event-handlers.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
	function openAndSet()
		var oWnd = $find("<%= RadWindow1.ClientID %>");;
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow's command is executed
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow's resizing is finished
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow is being resized
		//set a function that to called when RadWindow's dragging starts
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow's dragging ends
		//set a function to be called when the content page in the RadWindow is loaded
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow is activated
		//set a function to be called before the RadWIndow is closed
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow is closed
		//set a function to be called when RadWindow is shown
		//set a function to be called when the RadWindow is autosized

	function OnClientCommand(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientCommand</strong>: Command is " + eventArgs.get_commandName());
	function OnClientResizeEnd(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientResizeEnd</strong>: RadWindow is resize ended");

	function OnClientResizeStart(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientResizeEnd</strong>: RadWindow is resize started");

	function OnClientDragStart(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientDragStart</strong>: RadWindow drag started");

	function OnClientDragEnd(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientDragEnd</strong>: RadWindow drag ended");

	function OnClientPageLoad(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientPageLoad</strong>: RadWindow completed loading the page");

	function OnClientActivate(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientActivate</strong>: RadWindow is activated.");

	function OnClientBeforeClose(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientBeforeClose</strong>: RadWindow is closing.");

	function OnClientClose(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientClose</strong>: RadWindow is closed");

	function OnClientShow(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientShow</strong>: RadWindow is shown.");

	function OnClientBeforeShow(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientBeforeShow</strong>: RadWindow is showing.");

	function OnClientAutoSizeEnd(sender, eventArgs)
		logEvent("<strong>OnClientAutoSizeEnd</strong>: RadWindow is autosized.");
	function logEvent(eventString)
		var d = new Date();
		var dateStr = d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds();
		document.getElementById("eventConsole").innerHTML = "[" + dateStr + "] " + eventString + "<br/>" + document.getElementById("eventConsole").innerHTML;
<telerik:RadWindow RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadWindow1" runat="server" NavigateUrl="Dialog.aspx">
<button onclick="openAndSet(); return false">
	Open RadWindow and set events</button>
<br />
<div id="eventConsole" class="module" style="margin-top: 4px; height: 300px; overflow: auto;
	width: 500px;">

See Also

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