How to Preview Image Before Upload-IE only
RadUpload has been replaced by RadAsyncUpload, Telerik’s next-generation ASP.NET upload component. If you are considering Telerik’s Upload control for new development, check out the documentation of RadAsyncUpload or the control’s product page. If you are already using RadUpload in your projects, you may be interested in reading how easy the transition to RadAsyncUpload is and how you can benefit from it in this blog post. The official support for RadUpload has been discontinued in June 2013 (Q2’13), although it is still be available in the suite. We deeply believe that RadAsyncUpload can better serve your upload needs and we kindly ask you to transition to it to make sure you take advantage of its support and the new features we constantly add to it.
This article will show how to preview an image once it is selected.
Here is the RadUpload and Image controls declarations:
<telerik:radupload id="RadUpload1" targetfolder="~/uploads/" allowedfileextensions=".jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png"
onclientfileselected="OnClientFileSelectedHandler" runat="server"></telerik:radupload>
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Height="56px" Style="visibility: hidden" Width="236px" />
Initially, we set the visibility of the image to hidden, so we do not see a blank image with a red cross.
Here is the OnClientFileSelectedHandler javascript method:
function OnClientFileSelectedHandler(sender, eventArgs) {
var input = eventArgs.get_fileInputField();
//check the extension
if (sender.isExtensionValid(input.value)) {
var img = document.getElementById('<%= Image1.ClientID %>');
if (img) { = "";
img.src = input.value;
The code above will work correctly on IE browser only, since in Firefox the input.value returns the filename instead of the full path to the file.
For security reasons the above code will work only on localhost, to make it work remotely you need to add the site to the Trusted Sites.