Client Templates
The following article, demonstrates the techniques of usage of the RadTreeMap ClientTemplates
The ClientTemplate contains mark up and binding expressions, which are evaluated against the DataItem and then rendered as the Item's content on the client. As The RadTreeMap supports only ClientTemplate, the control provides the ability to directly evaluate the DataKeyFields in the declaration of the ClientTemplate. In such a manner you could visualize any needed data from the underlying data source. You need to simply enumerate the needed fields in the DataKeyNames property of the RadTreeMap, in order for the control to be aware of the fields, which are about to be used from the DataItem. The templates support the following type of expressions which are evaluated at run-time:
#=...# - Evaluates the JavaScript code expression or a string property from the data item and outputs the result in the template.
#...# - Evaluates the JavaScript code expression inside, but doesn't output value.
#:...# - Evaluates the JavaScript code expression or a string property from the data item and outputs the result in the template which is HTML encoded.
Client templates could not contain server-side controls.
As mentioned above, the RadTreeMap supports only ClientTemplate. This is why, you can use the template to evaluate any KeyField from the datasource and use the DataKeyNames property to enumerate them. In the example bellow you could observe how this is achieved using SqlDataSource. If you are binding the RadTreeMap from code-behind, you would need to call DataBind(), in order to bind the template with the specified KeyFields.
<telerik:radtreemap runat="server"
<div>#:dataItem.Rank #</div>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CustomConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT ID, ParentID, Name, Rank, Pay, Value FROM [TopPaidAthletes]"></asp:SqlDataSource>