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Using the TargetControls Collection

The TargetControls collection specifies a list of IDs of server controls (or ClientIDs of HTML elements, depending on the IsClientID flag) that should be 'tooltipified'. By default the RadToolTipManager assumes that the IDs in the TargetControls collection are the server IDs of the controls. If the IDs are client-side, (e.g. when elements are pure HTML and not server controls), then the IsClientID property should be set to True.The Value property is a string, containg information, specific for this target. Is can be used to pass additional information to the OnAjaxUpdate event handler so that context-specific content can be populated in the tooltip.

If targets are declared for the manager setting AutoTooltipify to true will not have effect because explicit targets have higher priority.

Define TargetControls declaratively

Example for defining TargetControls in the Markup

<telerik:RadToolTipManager RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadToolTipManager1" runat="server" Skin="Web20">
        <telerik:ToolTipTargetControl IsClientID="False" TargetControlID="TextBox1" Value="ValueForTextBox1" />
        <telerik:ToolTipTargetControl IsClientID="False" TargetControlID="TextBox2" Value="ValueForTextBox2" />
        <telerik:ToolTipTargetControl IsClientID="False" TargetControlID="TextBox3" Value="ValueForTextBox3" />

Define TargetControls in the CodeBehind/CodeFile

Example for defining TargetControls on server-side


// Define TargetControls with additional parameters
// @param1: TargetControlID (string)
// @param2: Value (string)
// @param3: IsClientID (bool)
RadToolTipManager1.TargetControls.Add("TextBox1", "ValueForTextBox1", false);
RadToolTipManager1.TargetControls.Add(TextBox2.ClientID, "SecondTextBox", true);

When adding controls with client-side IDs to the TargetControls collection use the overloaded version of the Add() that takes two arguments. The second argument represents the IsClientID property.

Button button1 = new Button();
button1.ID = "Button1";
RadToolTipManager1.TargetControls.Add(button1.ClientID, true);

The Value property is a string that can, for example, originate from the data source. It passes information to the event handlers:

Display the values

Once the TargetControls have been defined either in the Markup or server-side, the values need to be displayed using the OnAjaxUpdate event.

protected void OnAjaxUpdate(object sender, ToolTipUpdateEventArgs args)
    string ttValue = args.Value;
    //use the value to populate the toolip (fetch data from a database or to set properties of a user control)
    //the below line directly sets its as text for the tooltip:
    args.UpdatePanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ttValue));

See Also