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RadToolTipManager Object
RadToolTipManager specific API
Public Properties
Name | Description |
get_value | Gets the arbitrary value associated with a tooltip that can be used in scenarios involving AJAX or web services |
set_value | Sets an arbitrary value associated with a tooltip that can be used in scenarios involving AJAX or web services |
Public Methods
Name | Description |
createToolTip | Creates a new tooltip on the client which is associated with a corresponding target element. See Example 1. |
getToolTipByElement | Gets the tooltip associated with a corresponding target element if such a tooltip exists. See Example 2. |
get_autoTooltipify | Gets a boolean value that indicates whether automatic RadToolTip creation for DOM elements with title or alt attributes is enabled. |
get_enableDataCaching | Gets a value which determines whether tooltip content should be cached after first load on demand request |
set_autoTooltipify | Sets a boolean value that indicates whether automatic RadToolTip creation for DOM elements with title or alt attributes is enabled.This can be used to create tooltips only for a specific are on demand, without having the automatic feature enabled for the entire page. See Example 3. |
set_enableDataCaching | Sets a value which determines whether tooltip content should be cached after first load on demand request. When caching is enabled only one request will be performed for each target, regardless of how many times the tooltip will be shown. By default a new request is performed each time the tooltip must be shown. |
tooltipify | If AutoTooltipify is enabled calling this method will iterate over the page (or the element's children if a DOM element is passed as an argument) so that tooltips will be created. This can be used for content that is dynamically created for to add RadToolTips for elements outside of the TooltipZone. For Example, adding tooltips for content inside a RadWindow's ContentTemplate: tooltipManager.tooltipify(oWnd.get_contentElement()); |
For a live demo see RadToolTipManager's Client Side API.
Example 1: Creating a RadTooltip for an HTML element.
var tooltip = tooltipManager.createToolTip(element);
Example 2: Getting a reference to the tooltip associated with a specific HTML element.
var tooltip = tooltipManager.getToolTipByElement(element);
Example 3: Create tooltips for a specific area on the page on demand.
var ttMngr = $find("<%=RadToolTipManager1.ClientID %>");