ToolTipManager Specific Events Overview
RadToolTipManager differs from the stand-alone RadToolTip in the way its content is loaded - it uses two Load-On-Demand mechanisms to fetch the content only when needed, instead of always putting it in the page. For this reason it provides three additional events that allow better control over this functionality:
OnClientRequestStart is fired when the call to the WebService or the AJAX request starts. The event is cancellable.
OnClientResponseEnd is fired immediately after the response from a WebService or an AJAX request is received.
OnClientResponseError is fired when a server error occurs during the request. Makes the alert with the error cancellable.
To use these events, simply write a JavaScript function that can be called when the event occurs. Then assign the name of the JavaScript function as the value of the the corresponding property.
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientRequestStart(sender, args)
alert("RadToolTipManager with ID: " + sender.get_id() + " is requesting data...");
<telerik:RadToolTipManager RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadToolTipManager1" OnClientRequestStart="OnClientRequestStart">
<WebServiceSettings Method="GetToolTipData" Path="ToolTipWebService.asmx" />
You can also set the event handlers via JavaScript by passing a reference to the event handler rather than its name:
function addEvents()
var radToolTipManager1 = $find("<%= RadToolTipManager1.ClientID %>");
The Client-side API also allows you to detach event handlers in the same manner:
function removeEvents()
var radToolTipManager1 = $find("<%= RadToolTipManager1.ClientID %>");
Here follows the full list with the API related to the dynamic handling of events:
A list with the available methods
Name | Description |
add_requestStart | Add a handler to the RequestStart event. |
add_requestEnd | Add a handler to the ResponseEnd event. |
add_responseError | Add a handler to the ResponseError event. |
remove_requestStart | Remove a handler from the RequestStart event. |
remove_requestEnd | Remove a handler from the ResponseEnd event. |
remove_responseError | Remove a handler from the ResponseError event. |