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RadTimeline Object
This article lists the client-side API of RadTimeline and how to use it.
To use the API, you must first get a reference to the control's client-side object. For example:
var timelineObject = $find("<%=RadTimeline1.ClientID %>");
RadTimeline is a server-side wrapper over the Kendo UI Timeline Widget. Thus, it exposes the API of the underlying Kendo widget. To get a reference to the Kendo widget instance, you can do either of the following:
Use the
method of the MS AJAX wrapper:JavaScriptvar timelineObject = $find("<%=RadTimeline1.ClientID %>"); //the standard script control object var kendoTimeline = timelineObject.get_kendoWidget(); //the Kendo widget
Get the Kendo Widget in its usual way. Make sure to use the
jQuery reference:JavaScriptvar kendoTimeline = $telerik.$("#<%=RadTimeline1.ClientID %>").data("kendoTimeline"); //the jQuery selector must get the RadTimeline1 wrapper span element
In addition to using the Kendo method directly, you can also use their wrappers that follow the MS AJAX convention through the RadTimeline client object.
Table1: Client-side methods exposed by the MS AJAX RadTimeline object
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
collapse | object | none | Collapses an event in vertical mode. See the underlying collapse method for more details on its behavior. |
expand | object | none | Expands an event in vertical mode. See the underlying expand method for more details on its behavior. |
dispose | none | none | Disposes the Timeline client-side object (calls its underlying Kendo widget's destroy method). Once you call it, you will not be able to use the widget or control. |
get_clientDataSource | none | RadClientDataSource | Returns a reference to the underlying RadClientDataSource control. |
get_kendoWidget | none | object | Returns a reference to the underlying Kendo Timeline widget. |
get_items | none | jQuery collection | Returns a jQuery collection of the DOM elements of the visible Timeline events. |
get_dataItems | none | collection | Returns a collection of the data items available in the underlying data source. |
get_orientation | none | Number | Returns the orienation of the timeline axis. The possible return values are 0 = Vertical and 1 = Horizontal |
next | none | none | Switches to the next portion of events with animation in horizontal mode. |
open | object | none | Opens event details in horizontal mode. |
previous | none | none | Switches to the previous portion of events with animation in horizontal mode. |
rеpaint | none | none | Redraws the Timeline widget. |