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TagCloud Object
You can find in this help article information how to get the RadTagCloud client-side object and use its properties and methods.
Getting the RadTagCloud client-side object
RadTagCloud creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the tagCloud. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:
var tagCloud = $find("<%= RadTagCloud1.ClientID %>");
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
addTagCloudItem | RadTagCloudItem | Creates, renders a new TagCloudItem item and inserts it in the get_items Array. | |
dataBind | Data binds the data of the RadTagCloud. | ||
get_appendClientDataBoundItems | Boolean | Gets whether data bound items will be appended to the TagCloud. | |
get_clientDataSource | Telerik.Web.UI.RadClientDataSource | Gets the RadClientDataSource that is associated with the TagCloud. | |
get_clientDataSourceID | String | Gets the ID of the RadClientDataSource that is associated with the TagCloud. | |
get_containerElement | Object | Returns the UL DOM element that wraps all tagCloud's items. | |
get_dataSource | Object | Gets the data source of the TagCloud. | |
get_distribution | Telerik.Web.UI.TagCloudDistribution | Returns a value of type Telerik.Web.UI.TagCloudDistribution that indicates how the font-size is distributed among the different items. | |
get_enabled | Boolean | Returns a value, indicating whether the tagCloud control is enabled. | |
get_height | Number | Returns the height of the tagCloud control. | |
get_items | Array | Returns an array of the tagCloud's items. The items are of type Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloudItem. | |
get_sorting | Telerik.Web.UI.TagCloudSorting | Returns a value of type Telerik.Web.UI.TagCloudSorting that indicates how the items are sorted. | |
get_target | String | Returns the target window or frame to display the new content when the TagCloud item is clicked. | |
get_width | Number | Returns the width of the tagCloud control. | |
removeTagCloudItem | Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloudItem, Bool | Removes a RadTagCloudItem item. The second boolean parameter instructs whether the TagCould to be repainted after removing the item. | |
repaint | Redraws the TagCloud control. | ||
requestItems | String | Initiates RadTagCloudItem items request with a specified argument, causing the request to be sent to a WebService. All current items will be removed,before the new ones are populated. | |
set_appendClientDataBoundItems | Boolean | Sets whether data bound items will be appended to the TagCloud. | |
set_clientDataSourceID | String | Sets the ID of the RadClientDataSource that is associated with the TagCloud. | |
set_dataSource | Array | Sets a custom data source for the RadTagCloud. | |
set_enabled | Bool | Sets a bool value indicating whether the tagCloud is enabled. | |
set_target | String | Sets the target window or frame to display the new content when the TagCloud item is clicked. |
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
add_itemClicked | Function | Adds a handler for the itemClicked even of the tagCloud control. | |
add_itemClicking | Function | Adds a handler for the itemClicking event of the tagCloud control. | |
add_load | Function | Adds a handler to the load event of the tagCloud control. | |
remove_itemClicked | Function | Removes the handler from the handlers collection that is associated with the itemClicked event. | |
remove_itemClicking | Function | Removes the handler from the handlers collection that is associated with the itemClicking event. |