Custom Filter Menu
The RadSpreadsheet control allows you to create your own custom Filter Menu Dialog, where you can define the criteria and behavior for invalid data that suits best your scenario. You can achieve this, using the FilterMenuTemplate tag of the RadSpreadsheet control. The following steps will guide you trough the custom Data Validation dialog implementation:
Create a WebUserControl, which will contain the layot and behavior of the custom Filter Menu. In the WebUserControl you can define a set of Conditions, which will be displayed in the Filter by condition section and will fit best your business case.
Create JavaScript file that will be the actual connection to the Spreadsheet.FilterMenuView. In this javascript file, you will need to create the interface for the FilterMenuView object of the RadSpreadsheet and the markup of the newly created filter menu.
Create the RadSpreadsheet on your page, referencing the custom WebUserControl that contains the new Fitler Menu in the FilterMenuTemplate tag and provide a reference to the javascript file that serve as interface for the FilterMenuView object of the RadSpreadsheet and the custom Filter Menu. At the end, the layout of the aspx page where the RadSpreadsheet is defined should look as simple as the below implementation:
<%@ Register Src="~/SpreadsheetFilterMenu.ascx" TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="SpreadsheetFilterMenu" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server" />
<script src="Scripts/FilterMenuView.js"></script>
<telerik:RadSpreadsheet runat="server" ID="RadSpreadsheet1">
<uc1:SpreadsheetFilterMenu runat="server" ID="SpreadsheetFilterMenu" />
You can investigate the entire setup and test the behavior of the RadSpreadsheet with Custom Filter Menu in this Code Library: Filter Menu Template for RadSpreadsheet Code Library.