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CSS Classes
The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadSplitter style sheets.
Class Name | Element | Description |
RadSplitter_[Skin]e.g. RadSplitter_Outlook | TABLE | Applied to the main table that lays out the splitter control. |
.nested | TABLE | Applied to the main table of a nested splitter with Orientation set to "Vertical". |
.nestedHorizontal | TABLE | Applied to the main table of a nested splitter with Orientation set to "Horizontal". |
.pane | TD | Applied to the panes of a splitter with Orientation set to "Vertical". |
.paneHorizontal | TD | Applied to the panes of a splitter with Orientation set to "Horizontal". |
.firstItem | TD | Applied to the first pane in a splitter. |
.lastItem | TD | Applied to the last pane in a splitter. |
.resizeBar | TD | Applied to the cell for a vertical split bar. |
.resizeBarOver | TD | Applied to the cell for a vertical split bar when the mouse hovers over it. |
.resizeBarInactive | TD | Applied to the cell for a vertical split bar when it is inactive( EnableResize = False ). |
.resizeBarHorizontal | TD | Applied to the cell for a horizontal split bar. |
.resizeBarOverHorizontal | TD | Applied to the cell for a horizontal split bar when the mouse hovers over it. |
.resizeBarInactiveHorizontal | TD | Applied to cell for a horizontal split bar when it is inactive ( EnableResize = False ) |
.collapseBarWrapper | DIV | Applied to the portion of a vertical split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go. |
.collapseBarOver | DIV | Applied to the portion of a vertical split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when the mouse hovers over it. |
.collapseBarError | DIV | Applied to the portion of a vertical split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when a button is clicked that cannot perform its action. |
.collapseBarHorizontalWrapper | DIV | Applied to the portion of a horizontal split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go. |
.collapseBarOverHorizontal | DIV | Applied to the portion of a horizontal split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when the mouse hovers over it. |
.collapseBarErrorHorizontal | DIV | Applied to the portion of a horizontal split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when a button is clicked that cannot perform its action. |
.collapseBarCollapse | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a vertical split bar. |
.collapseBarCollapseOver | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a vertical split bar when the mouse is over it. |
.collapseBarCollapseError | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a vertical split bar when it is clicked but cannot collapse the adjacent pane. |
.collapseBarExpand | DIV | Applied to the expand button in a vertical split bar. |
.collapseBarExpandOver | DIV | Applied to the expand button in a vertical split bar when the mouse is over it. |
.collapseBarExpandError | DIV | Applied to the expand button in a vertical split bar when it is clicked but cannot expand the adjacent pane. |
.collapseBarHorizontalCollapse | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a horizontal split bar. |
.collapseBarHorizontalCollapseOver | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a horizontal split bar when the mouse is over it. |
.collapseBarHorizontalCollapseError | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a horizontal split bar when it is clicked but cannot collapse the adjacent pane. |
.collapseBarHorizontalExpand | DIV | Applied to the expand button in a horizontal split bar. |
.collapseBarHorizontalExpandOver | DIV | Applied to the expand button in a horizontal split bar when the mouse is over it. |
.collapseBarHorizontalExpandError | DIV | Applied to the expand button in a horizontal split bar when it is clicked but cannot expand the adjacent pane. |
.first | DIV | Applied to the first collapse button in a split bar. |
.helperBarDrag | DIV | Applied to the vertical split bar image that appears during a drag operation. |
.helperBarError | DIV | Applied to the vertical split bar image that appears when the split bar cannot be dragged any farther. |
.helperBarDragHorizontal | DIV | Applied to the horizontal split bar image that appears during a drag operation. |
.helperBarErrorHorizontal | DIV | Applied to the horizontal split bar image that appears when the split bar cannot be dragged any farther. |
.slideZone | TABLE | Applied to the table element that lays out a sliding zone and all of its sliding panes. |
.tabsContainer | TD | Applied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs. |
.left | TD | Applied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the left. |
.right | TD | Applied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the right. |
.bottom | TD | Applied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the bottom. |
.top | TD | Applied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the top. |
.paneTabContainer | DIV | Applied to a sliding zone tab in its normal state. |
.paneTabContainerExpanded | DIV | Applied to a sliding zone tab when it is expanded vertically. |
.paneTabContainerDocked | DIV | Applied to a sliding zone tab when its sliding pane is docked beside it. |
.paneTabContainerExpandedHorizontal | DIV | Applied to a sliding zone tab when it is expanded horizontally. |
.paneTabContainerDockedHorizontal | DIV | Applied to a sliding zone tab when its sliding pane is docked above or below it. |
.paneTabText | SPAN | Applied to the text label on a sliding zone tab. |
.paneTabIcon | IMG | Applied to the icon on a sliding zone tab. |
.slideContainer | TABLE | Applied to a sliding pane. |
.slideContainerDocked | TABLE | Applied to a sliding pane when it is docked. |
.slideHeader | TR, TD | Applied to the title bar and text region of the title bar on a sliding pane. |
.slideHeaderDocked | TR | Applied to the title bar of a docked sliding pane. |
.slideTitleContainer | TD | Applied to the text region of a sliding pane title bar |
.slideTitle | DIV | Applied to the text region of a sliding pane title bar |
.slideTitleDocked | DIV | Applied to the text region of a docked sliding pane title bar. |
.slideHeaderIconsWrapper | DIV | Applied to the controls region of a sliding pane title bar. |
.slideHeaderIcon | DIV | Applied to a control in a sliding pane title bar. |
.slideHeaderIconOver | DIV | Applied to a control in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it. |
.slideHeaderUndockIcon | DIV | Applied to the undock button in a sliding pane title bar. |
.slideHeaderUndockIconOver | DIV | Applied to the undock button in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it. |
.slideHeaderDockIcon | DIV | Applied to the dock button in a sliding pane title bar. |
.slideHeaderDockIconOver | DIV | Applied to the dock button in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it. |
.slideHeaderCollapseIcon | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a sliding pane title bar. |
.slideHeaderCollapseIconOver | DIV | Applied to the collapse button in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it. |
.slideContent | DIV | Applied to the content area of a sliding pane. |
.slideContentDocked | DIV | Applied to the content area of a docked sliding pane. |
.slideContainerResize | DIV | Applied to the vertical resizable border of a sliding pane. |
.slideContainerResizeOver | DIV | Applied to the vertical resizable border of a sliding pane when the mouse hovers over it. |
.slideContainerResizeHorizontal | DIV | Applied to the horizontal resizable border of a sliding pane. |
.slideContainerResizeOverHorizontal | DIV | Applied to horizontal resizable border of a sliding pane when the mouse hovers over it. |
.helperBarSlideDrag | DIV | Applied to the drag image of a vertical resizable border on a sliding pane. |
.helperBarSlideDragHorizontal | DIV | Applied to the drag image of a horizontal resizable border on a sliding pane. |
.helperBarSlideError | DIV | Applied to the drag image of a resizable border on a sliding pane when it cannot be dragged any farther. |