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CSS Classes

The following table lists the CSS selectors and descriptions for RadSplitter style sheets.

Class NameElementDescription
RadSplitter_[Skin]e.g. RadSplitter_OutlookTABLEApplied to the main table that lays out the splitter control.
.nestedTABLEApplied to the main table of a nested splitter with Orientation set to "Vertical".
.nestedHorizontalTABLEApplied to the main table of a nested splitter with Orientation set to "Horizontal".
.paneTDApplied to the panes of a splitter with Orientation set to "Vertical".
.paneHorizontalTDApplied to the panes of a splitter with Orientation set to "Horizontal".
.firstItemTDApplied to the first pane in a splitter.
.lastItemTDApplied to the last pane in a splitter.
.resizeBarTDApplied to the cell for a vertical split bar.
.resizeBarOverTDApplied to the cell for a vertical split bar when the mouse hovers over it.
.resizeBarInactiveTDApplied to the cell for a vertical split bar when it is inactive( EnableResize = False ).
.resizeBarHorizontalTDApplied to the cell for a horizontal split bar.
.resizeBarOverHorizontalTDApplied to the cell for a horizontal split bar when the mouse hovers over it.
.resizeBarInactiveHorizontalTDApplied to cell for a horizontal split bar when it is inactive ( EnableResize = False )
.collapseBarWrapperDIVApplied to the portion of a vertical split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go.
.collapseBarOverDIVApplied to the portion of a vertical split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when the mouse hovers over it.
.collapseBarErrorDIVApplied to the portion of a vertical split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when a button is clicked that cannot perform its action.
.collapseBarHorizontalWrapperDIVApplied to the portion of a horizontal split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go.
.collapseBarOverHorizontalDIVApplied to the portion of a horizontal split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when the mouse hovers over it.
.collapseBarErrorHorizontalDIVApplied to the portion of a horizontal split bar where the expand and collapse buttons go, when a button is clicked that cannot perform its action.
.collapseBarCollapseDIVApplied to the collapse button in a vertical split bar.
.collapseBarCollapseOverDIVApplied to the collapse button in a vertical split bar when the mouse is over it.
.collapseBarCollapseErrorDIVApplied to the collapse button in a vertical split bar when it is clicked but cannot collapse the adjacent pane.
.collapseBarExpandDIVApplied to the expand button in a vertical split bar.
.collapseBarExpandOverDIVApplied to the expand button in a vertical split bar when the mouse is over it.
.collapseBarExpandErrorDIVApplied to the expand button in a vertical split bar when it is clicked but cannot expand the adjacent pane.
.collapseBarHorizontalCollapseDIVApplied to the collapse button in a horizontal split bar.
.collapseBarHorizontalCollapseOverDIVApplied to the collapse button in a horizontal split bar when the mouse is over it.
.collapseBarHorizontalCollapseErrorDIVApplied to the collapse button in a horizontal split bar when it is clicked but cannot collapse the adjacent pane.
.collapseBarHorizontalExpandDIVApplied to the expand button in a horizontal split bar.
.collapseBarHorizontalExpandOverDIVApplied to the expand button in a horizontal split bar when the mouse is over it.
.collapseBarHorizontalExpandErrorDIVApplied to the expand button in a horizontal split bar when it is clicked but cannot expand the adjacent pane.
.firstDIVApplied to the first collapse button in a split bar.
.helperBarDragDIVApplied to the vertical split bar image that appears during a drag operation.
.helperBarErrorDIVApplied to the vertical split bar image that appears when the split bar cannot be dragged any farther.
.helperBarDragHorizontalDIVApplied to the horizontal split bar image that appears during a drag operation.
.helperBarErrorHorizontalDIVApplied to the horizontal split bar image that appears when the split bar cannot be dragged any farther.
.slideZoneTABLEApplied to the table element that lays out a sliding zone and all of its sliding panes.
.tabsContainerTDApplied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs.
.leftTDApplied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the left.
.rightTDApplied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the right.
.bottomTDApplied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the bottom.
.topTDApplied to the sliding zone region that holds the sliding zone tabs when they open to the top.
.paneTabContainerDIVApplied to a sliding zone tab in its normal state.
.paneTabContainerExpandedDIVApplied to a sliding zone tab when it is expanded vertically.
.paneTabContainerDockedDIVApplied to a sliding zone tab when its sliding pane is docked beside it.
.paneTabContainerExpandedHorizontalDIVApplied to a sliding zone tab when it is expanded horizontally.
.paneTabContainerDockedHorizontalDIVApplied to a sliding zone tab when its sliding pane is docked above or below it.
.paneTabTextSPANApplied to the text label on a sliding zone tab.
.paneTabIconIMGApplied to the icon on a sliding zone tab.
.slideContainerTABLEApplied to a sliding pane.
.slideContainerDockedTABLEApplied to a sliding pane when it is docked.
.slideHeaderTR, TDApplied to the title bar and text region of the title bar on a sliding pane.
.slideHeaderDockedTRApplied to the title bar of a docked sliding pane.
.slideTitleContainerTDApplied to the text region of a sliding pane title bar
.slideTitleDIVApplied to the text region of a sliding pane title bar
.slideTitleDockedDIVApplied to the text region of a docked sliding pane title bar.
.slideHeaderIconsWrapperDIVApplied to the controls region of a sliding pane title bar.
.slideHeaderIconDIVApplied to a control in a sliding pane title bar.
.slideHeaderIconOverDIVApplied to a control in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it.
.slideHeaderUndockIconDIVApplied to the undock button in a sliding pane title bar.
.slideHeaderUndockIconOverDIVApplied to the undock button in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it.
.slideHeaderDockIconDIVApplied to the dock button in a sliding pane title bar.
.slideHeaderDockIconOverDIVApplied to the dock button in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it.
.slideHeaderCollapseIconDIVApplied to the collapse button in a sliding pane title bar.
.slideHeaderCollapseIconOverDIVApplied to the collapse button in a sliding pane title bar when the mouse hovers over it.
.slideContentDIVApplied to the content area of a sliding pane.
.slideContentDockedDIVApplied to the content area of a docked sliding pane.
.slideContainerResizeDIVApplied to the vertical resizable border of a sliding pane.
.slideContainerResizeOverDIVApplied to the vertical resizable border of a sliding pane when the mouse hovers over it.
.slideContainerResizeHorizontalDIVApplied to the horizontal resizable border of a sliding pane.
.slideContainerResizeOverHorizontalDIVApplied to horizontal resizable border of a sliding pane when the mouse hovers over it.
.helperBarSlideDragDIVApplied to the drag image of a vertical resizable border on a sliding pane.
.helperBarSlideDragHorizontalDIVApplied to the drag image of a horizontal resizable border on a sliding pane.
.helperBarSlideErrorDIVApplied to the drag image of a resizable border on a sliding pane when it cannot be dragged any farther.
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