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Setting Dictionary Language
Setting Single Language
The simplest configuration is to specify a single language by setting the RadSpell DictionaryLanguage property. The example below configures RadSpell to spell check using a French dictionary.
<telerik:RadSpell RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadSpell1" runat="server" ControlToCheck="TextBox1" DictionaryLanguage="fr-fr" />
RadSpell1.DictionaryLanguage = "fr-fr";
Setting Multiple Languages
RadSpell can spellcheck using several language dictionaries at once. Set the SupportedLanguages property to a list of cultures that the spell checker will be supporting. With the SupportedLanguages property set, RadSpell will render an additional dropdown with the specified languages. You can also specify the default selected language by setting the DictionaryLanguage property:
<telerik:RadSpell RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadSpell1" ControlToCheck="TextBox1" SupportedLanguages="en-us, English, de-de, German, fr-fr, French" DictionaryLanguage="de-de" />
RadSpell1.SupportedLanguages = new string[] { "en-us", "English", "de-de", "German", "fr-fr", "French" };
RadSpell1.DictionaryLanguage = "de-de";