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RadSocialShare Object

The RadSocialShare client-side object has a number of client-side properties and methods that you can use to manipulate the control in the browser. They are listed below. There are also a number of client-side events that you can use to produce the logic required by your scenario.

This article contains the following sections:

Getters/Setters for the Public Properties

Getters for the public properties

get_compactButtonsReturns the array of compact buttons
get_compactPopupReturns the compact popup object (a RadWindow, so its client-side API can be used).
get_emailPopupReturns the email popup object (a RadWindow, so its client-side API can be used).
get_fbAppIdReturns the Facebook Application ID
get_gaEnabledReturns value which shows whether Google Analytics is enabled
get_gaIDReturns the web property ID set for Google Analytics support
get_hideIframesOnDialogMoveReturns a value which determines whether IFRAMEs are hidden while email or compact popup is being moved
get_mainButtonsReturns the array of main buttons
get_titleToShareReturns the value of the TitleToShare property
get_trackerIdReturns the Id of the tracker for the RadSocialShare instance
get_urlToShareReturns the value of the UrlToShare property

Setters for the public properties

set_fbAppIdSets the Facebook Application ID
set_gaIDSets the web property ID set for Google Analytics support
set_hideIframesOnDialogMoveSets a value which determines whether IFRAMEs are hidden while email or compact popup is being moved
set_stringsToShareDynamically sets new values for url and title to share. Takes two strings as arguments - url and title

Methods that Check a Condition or Invoke a Certain Behavior

Methods that check a condition or invoke a certain behavior.

toggleCompactPopupToggles the visibility of the compact popup
toggleEmailPopupToggles the visibility of the email popup

See Also