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RadSlider Object
The following table lists significant members of the client-side RadSlider object:
Public Properties
Name | Description |
get_animationDuration | Get animation duration in milliseconds. |
get_largeChange | Get the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track |
get_enabled | Get whether the slider is enabled |
get_maximumValue | Get the current maximum value that can be selected with slider. |
get_minimumValue | Get the current minimum value that can be selected with slider. |
get_orientation | Get the current orientation of the slider control - horizontal or vertical. |
get_showDecreaseHandle | Get whether the decrease handle is displayed. |
get_showDragHandle | Get whether the drag handle is displayed. |
get_showIncreaseHandle | Get whether the increase handle is displayed. |
get_smallChange | Get the step with which the slider value will change |
get_trackMouseWheel | Get whether the mouse wheel will change the value of the slider. |
get_value | Get the current value of the slider. |
set_animationDuration | Set animation duration in milliseconds. |
set_largeChange | Set the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track |
set_enabled | Set whether the slider is enabled |
set_maximumValue | Set the current maximum value that can be selected with slider. |
set_minimumValue | Set the current minimum value that can be selected with slider. |
set_orientation | Set the current orientation of the slider control - horizontal or vertical. |
set_showDecreaseHandle | Set whether the decrease handle is displayed. |
set_showDragHandle | Set whether the drag handle is displayed. |
set_showIncreaseHandle | Set whether the increase handle is displayed. |
set_smallChange | Set the step with which the slider value will change |
set_trackMouseWheel | Set whether the mouse wheel will change the value of the slider. |
set_value | Set the current value of the slider. |
get_trackPosition | Gets the position of the track |
set_trackPosition | Sets the position of the track |
get_selectionStart | Returns the starting value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true |
set_selectionStart | Sets the starting value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true |
get_selectionEnd | Returns the ending value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true |
set_selectionEnd | Sets the ending value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true |
Public Methods
Name | Description |
repaint | Render the slider using the current settings for the control. |
addSliderItem | Adds a slider item to the slider. The item will not exist in the rotator's items collection on the server. The function is designed for a slider with ItemType="Items" and accepts the following parameters: item - The item object describing the item to add. It should contain a property text and value - {text: "value", value: "value"}; index - The index, where the item should be added. If missing, the item will be added to the end of the slider's items collection. |
removeSliderItem | Removes a slider item from the slider. The removed item exists in the rotator's items collection on the server. This function is designed for a slider with ItemType="Items" and accepts the following parameter: index - The index number of the item to remove. If it is missing, the last slider item will be removed. |
setValue | Sets the value of the slider. Allows to skip the events OnClientValueChanging and OnClientValueChanged. The function accepts the following parameters: value - The new value of the slider; skipEvents - Determines whether the value change events will be skipped. Should be set to true in order to skip them. |
get_dataSource | Gets the client-side data source object that is data-bound to the slider. |
set_dataSource | Sets the client-side data source that will be data bound to the slider. The function accepts an array of client-side JSON literals as a parameter. Each of the objects in the collection should have fields matching the fields that are specified in the ItemBinding composite property of RadSlider . |
get_clientDataSource | Gets the client-side object of the RadClientDataSource instance that is data-bound to the slider. |
set_clientDataSource | Sets the client-side object of the RadClientDataSource instance that is data-bound to the slider. The function accepts the client-side object of the RadClientDataSource control as a parameter. |
get_clientDataSourceID | Gets the ClientID of the RadClientDataSource instance that is data-bound to the slider. |
set_clientDataSourceID | Sets the ClientID of the RadClientDataSource instance that will be data-bound to the slider. The function accepts a string with the value of the ClientID property. |
get_itemBinding | Gets an object with the following structure: { textField: "", valueField: "", toolTipField: "" } .The fields in this object show the connection between the fields of the data source and the properties of the slider items. textField - its value is the name of the data source field that populates the Text property of the slider items; valueField - its value is the name of the data source field that populates the Value property of the slider items; toolTipField - its value is the name of the data source field that populates the ToolTip property of the slider items. |
dataBind | Initiates the data binding to a client data source. The data source needs to be set before this function is called. |
Adding and Removing Client-Side Events
Name | Description |
add_loaded | Add a handler to the loaded event |
add_slide | Add a handler to the Slide event |
add_slideBegin | Add a handler to the slideBegin event |
add_sliding | Add a handler to the Sliding event |
add_valueChange | Add a handler to the ValueChange event |
add_ itemsCreated | Add a handler to the ItemsCreated event |
remove_loaded | Remove a handler from the loaded event |
remove_slide | Remove a handler from the Slide event |
remove_slideBegin | Remove a handler from the slideBegin event |
remove_sliding | Remove a handler from the Sliding event |
remove_valueChange | Remove a handler from the ValueChange event |
remove_ itemsCreated | Remove a handler from the ItemsCreated event |