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RadSlider Object

The following table lists significant members of the client-side RadSlider object:

Public Properties

get_animationDurationGet animation duration in milliseconds.
get_largeChangeGet the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track
get_enabledGet whether the slider is enabled
get_maximumValueGet the current maximum value that can be selected with slider.
get_minimumValueGet the current minimum value that can be selected with slider.
get_orientationGet the current orientation of the slider control - horizontal or vertical.
get_showDecreaseHandleGet whether the decrease handle is displayed.
get_showDragHandleGet whether the drag handle is displayed.
get_showIncreaseHandleGet whether the increase handle is displayed.
get_smallChangeGet the step with which the slider value will change
get_trackMouseWheelGet whether the mouse wheel will change the value of the slider.
get_valueGet the current value of the slider.
set_animationDurationSet animation duration in milliseconds.
set_largeChangeSet the delta with which the value will change when user click on the track
set_enabledSet whether the slider is enabled
set_maximumValueSet the current maximum value that can be selected with slider.
set_minimumValueSet the current minimum value that can be selected with slider.
set_orientationSet the current orientation of the slider control - horizontal or vertical.
set_showDecreaseHandleSet whether the decrease handle is displayed.
set_showDragHandleSet whether the drag handle is displayed.
set_showIncreaseHandleSet whether the increase handle is displayed.
set_smallChangeSet the step with which the slider value will change
set_trackMouseWheelSet whether the mouse wheel will change the value of the slider.
set_valueSet the current value of the slider.
get_trackPositionGets the position of the track
set_trackPositionSets the position of the track
get_selectionStartReturns the starting value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true
set_selectionStartSets the starting value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true
get_selectionEndReturns the ending value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true
set_selectionEndSets the ending value of the range when IsSelectionRangeEnabled is set to true

Public Methods

repaintRender the slider using the current settings for the control.
addSliderItemAdds a slider item to the slider. The item will not exist in the rotator's items collection on the server. The function is designed for a slider with ItemType="Items" and accepts the following parameters: item - The item object describing the item to add. It should contain a property text and value - {text: "value", value: "value"}; index - The index, where the item should be added. If missing, the item will be added to the end of the slider's items collection.
removeSliderItemRemoves a slider item from the slider. The removed item exists in the rotator's items collection on the server. This function is designed for a slider with ItemType="Items" and accepts the following parameter: index - The index number of the item to remove. If it is missing, the last slider item will be removed.
setValueSets the value of the slider. Allows to skip the events OnClientValueChanging and OnClientValueChanged. The function accepts the following parameters: value - The new value of the slider; skipEvents - Determines whether the value change events will be skipped. Should be set to true in order to skip them.
get_dataSourceGets the client-side data source object that is data-bound to the slider.
set_dataSourceSets the client-side data source that will be data bound to the slider. The function accepts an array of client-side JSON literals as a parameter. Each of the objects in the collection should have fields matching the fields that are specified in the ItemBinding composite property of RadSlider .
get_clientDataSourceGets the client-side object of the RadClientDataSource instance that is data-bound to the slider.
set_clientDataSourceSets the client-side object of the RadClientDataSource instance that is data-bound to the slider. The function accepts the client-side object of the RadClientDataSource control as a parameter.
get_clientDataSourceIDGets the ClientID of the RadClientDataSource instance that is data-bound to the slider.
set_clientDataSourceIDSets the ClientID of the RadClientDataSource instance that will be data-bound to the slider. The function accepts a string with the value of the ClientID property.
get_itemBindingGets an object with the following structure: { textField: "", valueField: "", toolTipField: "" } .The fields in this object show the connection between the fields of the data source and the properties of the slider items. textField - its value is the name of the data source field that populates the Text property of the slider items; valueField - its value is the name of the data source field that populates the Value property of the slider items; toolTipField - its value is the name of the data source field that populates the ToolTip property of the slider items.
dataBindInitiates the data binding to a client data source. The data source needs to be set before this function is called.

Adding and Removing Client-Side Events

add_loadedAdd a handler to the loaded event
add_slideAdd a handler to the Slide event
add_slideBeginAdd a handler to the slideBegin event
add_slidingAdd a handler to the Sliding event
add_valueChangeAdd a handler to the ValueChange event
add_ itemsCreatedAdd a handler to the ItemsCreated event
remove_loadedRemove a handler from the loaded event
remove_slideRemove a handler from the Slide event
remove_slideBeginRemove a handler from the slideBegin event
remove_slidingRemove a handler from the Sliding event
remove_valueChangeRemove a handler from the ValueChange event
remove_ itemsCreatedRemove a handler from the ItemsCreated event