This article demonstrates how you can use the OnClientItemDataBinding event to manipulate the items of a RadSlider before they are bound to a client-side data source.
The OnClientItemDataBinding event is raised just before an item in the slider is data-bound to the provided data source.
The event handler receives two parameters:
The client-side object of the RadSlider instance that fired the event.
An event arguments object containing the following methods:
get_dataItem() - returns the client-side data object of the slider’s item.
get_cancel() - returns a boolean value that indicates whether the event was canceled. True means the event is canceled.
set_cancel( -sets a boolean value that indicates whether the event will be canceled. Setting true means the event will be canceled.
You can check in Example 1 how this event can be used for canceling the data binding of items based on one of its parameters.
Example 1: Using the OnClientItemDataBinding event.
<script type="text/javascript">
function sliderItemDataBinding(sender, eventArgs) {
<telerik:RadClientDataSource runat="server" ID="RadClientDataSource1" PageSize="10" AllowPaging="true">
<WebServiceDataSourceSettings BaseUrl="http://demos.kendoui.com/service/">
<Select Url="Meetings" DataType="JSONP" />
<telerik:RadSlider RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadSlider1" Width="800px" Height="100px" ItemType="Item"
ClientDataSourceID="RadClientDataSource1" OnClientItemDataBinding="sliderItemDataBinding">
<ItemBinding TextField="Title" ToolTipField="Description" ValueField="Date"></ItemBinding>
<span id="Span1"></span>