RadSearchBox supports binding to various data sources, which include:
Databinding Properties and Methods
The following properties and methods are used when binding RadSearchBox to a data source.
DataSource property - set to an instance of your data source. This is mandatory when binding RadSearchBox at runtime.
DataSourceID property - set to the ID of your data source. This is mandatory when binding RadSearchBox declaratively.
DataTextField property - field name from the data source bound to the RadSearchBox DropDownItem's Text property.
DataValueField property - field name from the data source bound to the RadSearchBox DropDownItem's Value property.
DataKeyNames property - lists the additional fields of the RadSearchBox DropDownItem that are needed from the DataSource.
DataContextKeyField property - this poperty defines a field from the data source which is used as a context when search operation is performed. It should be used along with the Search Context
DataModelID property is used to set the ModelID when binding RadSearchBox to OData DataSource.