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RadSearchBox Client Object

The following table lists the most important methods of the client-side RadSearchBox object:

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
commitChangesnonenoneWrites the changes to the searchBox that were made since a previous call to trackChanges, so that they are preserved over post-backs.
saveClientStatenonenoneSaves the client state to the client state hidden field
repaintnonenoneRefreshes the RadSearchBox UI
get_enableAutoCompletenoneBooleanGets a value indicating whether the AutoComplete functionality of the SearchBox is enabled
set_enableAutoCompleteBooleannoneSets whether the AutoComplete functionality of the SearchBox is enabled
get_buttonsnoneSearchBoxButtonCollectionGets a collection with all buttons
get_filternoneSearchBoxFilterGets the Filter criteria of RadSearchBox.
set_filterSearchBoxFilternoneSets the Filter criteria of RadSearchBox.
get_textnonestringGets the text in the input field.
get_clientTemplatenonestringReturns the value of the RadSearchBox's ClientTemplate property.
set_clientTemplateStringnoneSets the value of the RadSearchBox's ClientTemplate property.
set_emptyMessageStringnoneSets the value of the RadSearchBox's EmptyMessage property.
get_emptyMessagenonestringReturns the value of the RadSearchBox's EmptyMessage property.
get_dropDownElementnonenoneGets the root DOM element of the RadSearchBox's drop-down.
get_inputElementnonenoneGets the input DOM element of the RadSearchBox.
get_childListElementnonenoneGets the UL DOM element of the RadSearchBox's drop-down
get_maxResultCountnoneintGets the MaxResultsCount of RadSearchBox so you can pass it to the web service.
querynonenoneIf AutoComplete is enabled,the search string exists and it is longer than the min filter length set, a search operation is performed. The second parameter defines whether all results should be shown in the drop-down.
clearnonenoneClears the search results and closes the drop-down.
get_requestDelaynonenumberReturns the time in milliseconds before a request is initiated by the control after the user enters a keystroke.
set_requestDelaynumbernoneSets the time in milliseconds before a request is initiated by the control after the user enters a keystroke. Useful when requests overlap each other due to slower networks or when users with varying typing speeds encounter issues with the returned results for old searches.
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