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RadSearchBox Client Object
The following table lists the most important methods of the client-side RadSearchBox object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
commitChanges | none | none | Writes the changes to the searchBox that were made since a previous call to trackChanges, so that they are preserved over post-backs. |
saveClientState | none | none | Saves the client state to the client state hidden field |
repaint | none | none | Refreshes the RadSearchBox UI |
get_enableAutoComplete | none | Boolean | Gets a value indicating whether the AutoComplete functionality of the SearchBox is enabled |
set_enableAutoComplete | Boolean | none | Sets whether the AutoComplete functionality of the SearchBox is enabled |
get_buttons | none | SearchBoxButtonCollection | Gets a collection with all buttons |
get_filter | none | SearchBoxFilter | Gets the Filter criteria of RadSearchBox. |
set_filter | SearchBoxFilter | none | Sets the Filter criteria of RadSearchBox. |
get_text | none | string | Gets the text in the input field. |
get_clientTemplate | none | string | Returns the value of the RadSearchBox's ClientTemplate property. |
set_clientTemplate | String | none | Sets the value of the RadSearchBox's ClientTemplate property. |
set_emptyMessage | String | none | Sets the value of the RadSearchBox's EmptyMessage property. |
get_emptyMessage | none | string | Returns the value of the RadSearchBox's EmptyMessage property. |
get_dropDownElement | none | none | Gets the root DOM element of the RadSearchBox's drop-down. |
get_inputElement | none | none | Gets the input DOM element of the RadSearchBox. |
get_childListElement | none | none | Gets the UL DOM element of the RadSearchBox's drop-down |
get_maxResultCount | none | int | Gets the MaxResultsCount of RadSearchBox so you can pass it to the web service. |
query | none | none | If AutoComplete is enabled,the search string exists and it is longer than the min filter length set, a search operation is performed. The second parameter defines whether all results should be shown in the drop-down. |
clear | none | none | Clears the search results and closes the drop-down. |
get_requestDelay | none | number | Returns the time in milliseconds before a request is initiated by the control after the user enters a keystroke. |
set_requestDelay | number | none | Sets the time in milliseconds before a request is initiated by the control after the user enters a keystroke. Useful when requests overlap each other due to slower networks or when users with varying typing speeds encounter issues with the returned results for old searches. |