Keyboard support
RadSearchBox has a full keyboard support, including selection and navigation through search results.
The user is able to tab through the image buttons using the Tab key and trigger their actions with the Enter key.
When the focus is in the input field of the control, the user can use the Enter key to trigger the default search event.
When the focus is in the input field of the control, the user can use the Esc key to clear the entered text and close the dropdown (if opened).
In addition, when AutoComplete is enabled and the dropdown list of results is shown,the user can use the arrow (Up/Down) keysto navigate through the list, focusing a particular search result.
SearchContext Keyboard Support
SearchContext can be controlled only from the Keyboard as well.
Alt+Up/Alt+Down to open/close the DropDown List of items
Enter to select an item from the list if it’s open
Esc to close the list without changing the selection
Up/Down arrows to navigate through the list, focusing a particular item. When an item receives focus, the value in the DropDown is updated.