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The client-side Completed event is raised when the RadProgressBar reaches its max value. This article discusses the objects of the control's Completed event and shows an example of how to retrieve properties when the event occurs (Example 1).

To handle this event, simply write a JavaScript function that can be called when the event occurs. Then assign the name of this function as the value of the the OnCompleted property in the control's ClientEvents subtag.

The client-side OnCompleted event handler receives one argument:

  1. Sender—the RadProgressBar object that fired the event.

Example 1: Handle the RadProgressBar's client-side Completed event.

<telerik:RadProgressBar RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadProgressBar5" Value="30">
	<ClientEvents OnCompleted="onCompleted"/>
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="Change Value" OnClientClick="updateValue(); return false;" />

	function updateValue() {
	function onCompleted(sender, args) {
		alert("The progress of a ProgressBar with ID " + sender.get_id() + " was completed. Its value reached " + sender.get_value() + ".");

See Also

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