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RadPanelBar Object

The following table lists the most important methods of the RadPanelBar client-side object:


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
trackChangesnonenoneBegins tracking changes to the panel items. Only changes to the items that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. See Example 1.
commitChangesnonenoneEnds tracking changes to the panel items. Only changes to the items that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. Client side changes are available on the server side after postback. You can use the ClientChanges property to access them. See Example 1.
disablenonenoneDisables all items in the panel. Clicking on any item has no effect, child items cannot be opened. See Example 2.
enablenonenoneEnables all items in the panel.
get_enablednonebooleanTrue if the panel is enabled. To enable a panel, use the enable() method.
findItemByValue(string value)RadPanelItemReturns the first RadPanelBarItem object whose Value property is equal to the passed parameter.
findItemByText(string text)RadPanelItemReturns the first RadPanelBarItem object whose Text property is equal to the passed parameter.
findItemByUrl(string URL)RadPanelItemReturns the first RadPanelBarItem object whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the passed parameter.
findItemByAbsoluteUrl(string URL)RadPanelItemReturns the first RadPanelBarItem object whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the passed parameter. Note that the parameter should end with '/' like:var item = sender.findItemByAbsoluteUrl('');
findItemByAttribute(string attributeName, string value)RadPanelItemReturns the first RadPanelBarItem object with a custom attribute of the specified name that has the specified value.
get_itemsnoneRadPanelItemCollectionReturns the collection of root level items. See Example 3.
get_allItemsnoneArrayGets a linear collection of all items. This includes all root and child items in the panel. See Example 4.
get_focusedItemnoneRadPanelItemReturns the focused root level item. Null if no root level item has focus.
get_expandedItemnoneRadPanelItemReturns the last root level item that was expanded. Null if no root level items are expanded.
get_expandedItemsnoneArrayReturns an array of the RadPanelBarItem objects for every expanded item in the panel bar (including expanded child items).
get_selectedItemnoneRadPanelItemReturns the selected item if it exists. (It does not have to be a root level item). Null if the panel does not have a selected item.
get_selectedItemsnoneArrayReturns an array containing the selected items in the panel. Because the panel bar does not allow more than one item to be selected, the array always has 0 or 1 elements.
get_attributesnoneCollectionReturns the collection of custom attributes for the panel.
get_elementnoneHTML ElementGets the DOM element for the panel. See Example 5.
get_childListElementnoneHTML ElementGets the DOM element for the list of items in the panel.
enableEventsnonenoneEnables the panel bar's client-side event emitting. Events are enabled by default.
disableEventsnonenoneDisables the panel bar's client-side event emitting.
add_<EventName>(mixed eventHandler)noneAttaches an eventHandler to the event with the name <EventName>. Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events. See Example 6.
remove_<EventName>(mixed eventHandler)BooleanDetaches an eventHandler from the event with the name <EventName>.Returns "True" if the eventHandler is found and detached, false otherwise.Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events. See Example 7.

Example 1: Add a new item and persist it after a postback.

function AddNewItem() {
    var panel = $find("<%= RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");
    var panelItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadPanelItem();
    panelItem.set_text("New Item");

Example 2: Disable the RadPanelBar.

function Disablepanel() {
    var panel = $find("<%= RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");

Example 3: Get all root items and display their text value.

function showRootItems() {
    var panel = $find("<%= RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>"); 
    var items = panel.get_items();
    for (var i = 0; i < items.get_count(); i++) {

Example 4: Get all items and display their text value.

function showAllItems() {
    var panel = $find("<%=RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");
    for (var i = 0; i < panel.get_allItems().length; i++) {

Example 5: Hide/show the RadPanelBar.

// hide the panel
// note this change does not persist after a postback
function hidepanel() {
    var panel = $find("<%= RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");
    panel.get_element().style.display = "none";

// show the panel
function showpanel() {
    var panel = $find("<%= RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");
    panel.get_element().style.display = "";

Example 6: Add a handler to the OnClientItemBlur event.

function OnClientItemBlurHandler() {

function AttachBlurHandler() {
    var panel = $find("<%=RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");

Example 7: Remove the OnClientItemBlur event's handler.

function OnClientItemBlurHandler() {

function DetachBlurHandler() {
    var panel = $find("<%=RadPanelBar1.ClientID %>");

See Also

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