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CSS Classes
Common Styles / Base Stylesheet
CSS Class | Description |
.RadNotification | Main RadNotification wrapping DIV element |
.rnRoundedCorners | Applies rouneded corners to the main wrapping DIV element |
.rnTitleBar | Specifies TitleBar warpping element |
.rnTitleBarIcon | Styles TitleBar icon |
.rnTitleBarTitle | Styles TitleBar title |
.rnCommands | Styles TitleBar command buttons UL wrapping element |
.rnCommands li | Styles TitleBar command buttons LI element |
.rnCommands a | Styles TitleBar command buttons A element |
.rnCommands .rnMenuIcon a | Styles TitleBar command Menu button normal style |
.rnCommands .rnMenuIcon a:hover | Styles TitleBar command Menu button hover style |
.rnCommands .rnCloseIcon a | Styles TitleBar command Close button normal style |
.rnCommands .rnCloseIcon a:hover | Styles TitleBar command Close button hover style |
.rnCommands a .rnAccessibility | Styles TitleBar command accessibillity style |
.rnContentWrapper | Styles RadNotification Content Wrapper element |
div.rnNoTitleBar .rnContentWrapper | Styles Content Wrapper element when no titlebar mode is true |
.rnContentIconClipIn | Styles Content Predefined Icon Outer wrapping element |
*html .rnContentIconClipIn | Styles Content Predefined Icon Outer wrapping element - IE6 specific |
*+html .rnContentIconClipIn | Styles Content Predefined Icon Outer wrapping element - IE7 specific |
.rnContentIconClip | Styles Content Predefined Icon Inner wrapping element |
*+html .rnContentIconClip | Styles Content Predefined Icon Inner wrapping element - IE7 specific |
.rnContentIconClipIn .rnCustomIcon | Styles Content Custom Icon Outer wrapping element |
*html .rnContentIconClipIn .rnCustomIcon | Styles Content Custom Icon Outer wrapping element - IE6 specific |
*+html .rnContentIconClipIn .rnCustomIcon | Styles Content Custom Icon Outer wrapping element - IE7 specific |
.rnContent | Styles Content element |
.rnContentTemplate | Styles Content Template element |
Right to Left Support
CSS Class | Description |
.rnRtl .rnCommands li, .rnRtl .rnTitleBarIcon, .rnRtl .rnTitleBarTitle, .rnRtl .rnContentIconClipIn | Titlebar Commnads, Icon, Title and Content Icon float is changed in order to cover RTL requierments |
.rnRtl .rnTitleBarTitle | Titlebar title RTL specific styles |
div.rnRtl .rnCommands | Titlebar Commands RTL specific styles |
*html div.rnRtl .rnCommands | Titlebar Commands RTL specific styles - IE6 specific |
*+html div.rnRtl .rnCommands | Titlebar Commands RTL specific styles - IE6 specific - IEE7 specific |
.rnRtl .rnTitleBarIcon | Titlebar Icon RTL specific styles |
.rnRtl .rnContent | Content RTL specific styles |
.rnRtl .rnContentIconClipIn | Content Icon Outer RTL specific styles |
*html .rnRtl .rnContentIconClipIn | Content Icon Outer RTL specific styles - IE6 specific |
*html .rnRtl .rnContentIconClipIn | Content Icon Outer RTL specific styles - IE6 specific |
*+html .rnRtl .rnContentIconClipIn | Content Icon Outer RTL specific styles - IE7 specific |
*html .rnRtl .rnContentIconClipIn .rnCustomIcon | Content Custom Icon Outer RTL specific styles - IE6 specific |
*html .rnRtl .rnContentIconClip | Content Icon Inner RTL specific styles - IE6 specific |
Skin Specific Styles
CSS Class | Description |
.RadNotification_SkinName | RadNotification Wrapping element Skin Specific Styles |
.RadNotification_SkinName.rnShadows | RadNotification Wrapping element shadows enabled |
.RadNotification_SkinName .rnTitleBar | RadNotification Titlebar gradient and Command buttons skin specific sprite images and styles applied |
.RadNotification_SkinName .rnCommands a | RadNotification Titlebar gradient and Command buttons skin specific sprite images applied |
.RadNotification_SkinName .rnContentWrapper | RadNotification Content Wrapper Skin Specific Styles |
.RadNotification_SkinName .rnCommands | RadNotification Commands base style overwritten for some skins |