The ItemDeselected event occurs when the user de-selects an item from the RadMultiSelect dropdown. This result can be achieved both by clickicking over an already selected item in the dropdown, or by clicking the delete button of a selected item.
The ItemDeselected event does not fire unless the AutoPostBack property is set to True or a PostBack on the page occurs.
The ItemDeselected event handler receives two arguments:
The RadMultiSelect instance that is loading items. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadMultiSelect type.
An EventArgs object. This object has an Item property, which provides access to the item that was just selected. This item, in turn, has a DataItem property, which lets you access the item in the data source to which the RadMultiSelect is being bound.
Use the ItemDeselected event handler to respond in server-side code when the user selects a new item:
<telerik:RadMultiSelect ID="RadMultiSelect1" runat="server" DataTextField="text" DataValueField="value" Filter="Contains" AutoPostBack="true" OnItemDeselected="RadMultiSelect1_ItemDeselected">
<telerik:MultiSelectItem Text="Steven White" Value="1"></telerik:MultiSelectItem>
<telerik:MultiSelectItem Text="Nancy King" Value="2"></telerik:MultiSelectItem>
<telerik:MultiSelectItem Text="Nancy Davolio" Value="3"></telerik:MultiSelectItem>
<telerik:MultiSelectItem Text="Robert Davolio" Value="4"></telerik:MultiSelectItem>
<telerik:MultiSelectItem Text="Michael Leverling" Value="5"></telerik:MultiSelectItem>
<br />
<telerik:RadLabel ID="Label1" runat="server"></telerik:RadLabel>
protected void RadMultiSelect1_ItemDeselected(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectItemEventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "You deselected item with text: " + e.Item.Text;