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RadMultiSelect Object

This article lists the client-side API of RadMultiSelect and how to use it.

To use the API, you must first get a reference to the control's client-side object. For example:

var multiSelectObject = $find("<%=RadMultiSelect1.ClientID %>");

RadMultiSelect is a server-side wrapper over the Kendo UI MultiSelect Widget. Thus, it exposes the API of the underlying Kendo widget. To get a reference to the Kendo widget instance, you can do either of the following:

  • Use the get_kendoWidget() method of the MS AJAX wrapper:

      var multiSelectObject  = $find("<%=RadMultiSelect1.ClientID %>"); //the standard script control object
      var kendoMultiSelect = multiSelectObject.get_kendoWidget(); //the Kendo widget
  • Get the Kendo Widget in its usual way. Make sure to use the $telerik.$ jQuery reference:

      var kendoMultiSelect = $telerik.$("#<%=RadMultiSelect1.ClientID %>").data("kendoMultiSelect"); //the jQuery selector must get the RadMultiSelect1 wrapper span element

In addition to using the Kendo method directly, you can also use their wrappers that follow the MS AJAX convention through the RadMultiSelect client object.

Table1: Client-side methods exposed by the MS AJAX RadMultiSelect object

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
clearValuenonenoneClears the list of selected values (items).
closenonenoneCloses the dropdown.
disposenonenoneDisposes the MultiSelect client-side object (calls its underlying Kendo widget's destroy method). Once you call it, you will not be able to use the widget or control.
focusnonenoneFocuses the input.
get_enablednoneBooleanReturns whether the control is enabled.
get_filternoneTelerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilterReturns the filter type of the control. The possible values are Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilter.StartsWith = 0, Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilter.Contains = 1 and Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilter.EndsWith = 2.
get_inputElementnoneDOM objectReturns a reference to the input element.
get_itemsnoneArrayReturns an array of the DOM <li> elements, which correspond to the data items from the Kendo UI DataSource of the widget.
get_kendoWidgetnoneobjectReturns a reference to the underlying Kendo MultiSelect widget.
get_listElementnoneDOM objectReturns a reference to the drop-down list element.
get_readOnlynoneBooleanReturns whether the input is readonly and typing is not allowed.
get_selectedDataItemsnoneArrayReturns a list of raw data records corresponding to the selected items.
get_tagListElementnoneDOM objectReturns a reference to the ul element, which holds the selected tags.
get_ulElementnoneDOM objectReturns a reference to the ul element, which holds the available options.
get_valuenoneArrayReturns an array with the currently selected values (items).
opennonenoneOpens the popup.
refreshnonenoneRefresh the popup by rendering all items again.
searchstringnoneSearches the data source for the provided value and displays any matches as suggestions.
set_enabledBooleannoneEnables or disables the widget if you pass true or false respectively.
set_enabledTelerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilternoneSets the new filter type of the control. The possible values are Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilter.StartsWith = 0, Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilter.Contains = 1 and Telerik.Web.UI.RadMultiSelectFilter.EndsWith = 2.
set_readOnlyBooleannoneSets whether the input is readonly and typing is disabled.
set_valuestringnoneSets the value. See the underlying value method for more details on its behavior.
togglenonenoneOpens or closes the dropdown depending on its current state.

See Also

In this article
See Also
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