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Client-side Programming Overview

RadListBox provides a flexible client-side API. You can easily interact with the listbox in the browser using its client-side object. In addition to a variety of client-side events, the client-side object model lets you achieve complicated tasks while avoiding unnecessary post-backs.

Getting the RadListBox Client-side object

RadListBox creates a client-side object with the ClientID of the RadListBox. You can obtain the reference using the following JavaScript code:

var list = $find("<%= RadListBox1.ClientID %>");	

Now you can use all the Client-side methods of the RadListBox client object.

Getting an instance of a particular RadListBoxItem

Once you have the client-side object of RadListBox, you can use the findItemByText()/findItemByValue method to get the instance of a particular item:

var list = $find("<%= RadListBox1.ClientID %>");
var item = list.findItemByText("item 1"); 

Cancelling an action

Several client side events occur immediately before the listbox performs some action. These events all have names that end in "-ing". You can use these events to cancel the listbox action by using the set_cancel method of the second argument passed to the handler:

function onClientDeletingHandler(sender, e) {
	if (!confirm("Are you sure?")) {

Calling a Client-side method

When you get the instance of the RadListBox or RadListBoxItem client objects, you can call client-side methods to perform certain tasks:

function onButtonClick() {
	var listbox = $find("<%= RadListBox1.ClientID %>");
	var firstItem = listbox.getItem(0); alert(firstItem.get_text()); 

Preserving changes

By default, changes made in client-side code (add, remove, enable, disable of items) do not persist over a post-back to the server. To preserve changes, you must use the trackChanges and commitChanges methods:

function onButtonClick() {
	var listbox = $find("<%= RadListBox1.ClientID %>");
	var item = listbox.get_selectedItem(); listbox.trackChanges(); listbox.get_items().remove(item);

See Also