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Full Set of Tools

RadImageEditor can be used in two different render modes - CanvasMode, using the HTML canvas tag where all the changes are made Client-side,and non CanvasMode, where the image editing is handled entirely on the Server. The core of the Server-side editing mode is the .NET standard GDI+ library. You can control the mode of the control through its CanvasMode property (with a value set to "Yes" or "No"). Thanks to the canvas functionality (available since Q3 2012) RadImageEditor has the following filters: Invert Color, Brightness and Contrast, Sepia and Greyscale along with drawing functionality.

Depending on the chosen mode, you can utilize the following sets of tools:

  • All modes supported tools: Print, Save, Undo, Redo, Reset, Crop, Resize, Zoom, ZoomIn, ZoomOut, Opacity, Rotate, RotateRight, RotateLeft, Flip, FlipVertical, FlipHorizontal, AddText, InsertImage (available since Q3 2011), Export (available since Q1 2013).

  • CanvasMode supported tools: All tools from the list above, including BrightnessContrast, InvertColor, Sepia, Greyscale, HueSaturation, Pencil, DrawCircle, DrawRectangle, Line.

The implementation of the RadImageEditor’s toolbar is based on RadToolBar. Still it resembles the toolbar structure of RadEditor, which can be set either:

  • inline in the control’s declaration

  • or via an XML file.

Defining the tools inline

When setting the ImageEditorTool tool tags, it is required to specify the CommandName attribute. Other available attributes are: CssClass, Enabled, ImageUrl, Text and ToolTip.

Image Mode

<telerik:RadImageEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="theImageEditor" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/content/pg.png" Width="1100" Height="860"> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Print" CommandName="Print" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Save" CommandName="Save" /> 
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Export" CommandName="Export" />
            <telerik:ImageEditorToolStrip Text="Undo" CommandName="Undo" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorToolStrip Text="Redo" CommandName="Redo" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Reset" CommandName="Reset" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Crop" CommandName="Crop" IsToggleButton="true" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Resize" CommandName="Resize" IsToggleButton="true" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Zoom" CommandName="Zoom" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="ZoomIn" CommandName="ZoomIn" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="ZoomOut" CommandName="ZoomOut" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Opacity" CommandName="Opacity" IsToggleButton="true" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Rotate" CommandName="Rotate" IsToggleButton="true" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Rotate Right" CommandName="RotateRight" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Rotate Left" CommandName="RotateLeft" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Flip" CommandName="Flip" IsToggleButton="true" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Flip Vertical" CommandName="FlipVertical" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Flip Horizontal" CommandName="FlipHorizontal" /> 
            <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Add Text" CommandName="AddText" IsToggleButton="true" /> 
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Insert Image" CommandName="InsertImage" IsToggleButton="true" /> 

Canvas Mode

<telerik:RadImageEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="theImageEditor" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/content/pg.png"
	Width="1100" Height="860">
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Print" CommandName="Print" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Save" CommandName="Save" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Export" CommandName="Export" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorToolStrip Text="Undo" CommandName="Undo" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorToolStrip Text="Redo" CommandName="Redo" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Reset" CommandName="Reset" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Crop" CommandName="Crop" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Resize" CommandName="Resize" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Zoom" CommandName="Zoom" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="ZoomIn" CommandName="ZoomIn" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="ZoomOut" CommandName="ZoomOut" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Opacity" CommandName="Opacity" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Rotate" CommandName="Rotate" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Rotate Right" CommandName="RotateRight" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Rotate Left" CommandName="RotateLeft" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Flip" CommandName="Flip" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Flip Vertical" CommandName="FlipVertical" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Flip Horizontal" CommandName="FlipHorizontal" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Add Text" CommandName="AddText" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Insert Image" CommandName="InsertImage" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Brightness Contrast" CommandName="BrightnessContrast" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Invert Color" CommandName="InvertColor" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Sepia" CommandName="Sepia" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Greyscale" CommandName="Greyscale" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Hue Saturation" CommandName="HueSaturation" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Pencil" CommandName="Pencil" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Draw Circle" CommandName="DrawCircle" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Draw Rectangle" CommandName="DrawRectangle" IsToggleButton="true" />
			<telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="Line" CommandName="Line" IsToggleButton="true" />

Loading the tools from an XML file

Set the RadImageEditor’s ToolsFile property to point to an XML file, which has the following structure and syntax.The available attributes are:

  • name - specifies the tool name.

  • toolstrip - when set to true renders a toolstrip button.

  • togglebutton - when set to true renders a togglebutton.

  • tooltip - specify a tooltip for the button.

Image Mode

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <tools name="MainToolbar">
    <tool name="Print" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="Save" togglebutton="true" />
	<tool name="Export" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool separator="true"/>
    <tool name="Undo" toolstrip="true" />
    <tool name="Redo" toolstrip="true" />
    <tool name="Reset" />
    <tool separator="true"/>
    <tool name="Crop" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="Resize" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="Zoom" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="ZoomIn"  />
    <tool name="ZoomOut" />
    <tool name="Opacity" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="Rotate" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="RotateRight" />
    <tool name="RotateLeft"  />
    <tool name="Flip" togglebutton="true" />
    <tool name="FlipVertical"   />
    <tool name="FlipHorizontal" />
    <tool name="AddText" togglebutton="true" tooltip="Add Text"  />
	<tool name="InsertImage" togglebutton="true" />

Canvas Mode (default set of tools)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<tools name="MainToolbar">
		<tool name="Print" togglebutton="true" />
		<tool name="Save" togglebutton="true"  />
		<tool name="Export" togglebutton="true"  />
		<tool separator="true"/>
		<tool name="Undo" toolstrip="true" />
		<tool name="Redo" toolstrip="true" />
		<tool name="Reset" />
		<tool separator="true"/>
		<tool name="Crop" togglebutton="true" />
		<tool name="Resize" togglebutton="true" />
		<tool toolstrip="true" name="Zoom" togglebutton="true" enabledefaulttool="true">
			<tool name="Zoom" />
			<tool name="ZoomIn" />
			<tool name="ZoomOut" />
		<tool name="Opacity" togglebutton="true" />
		<tool name="Rotate" togglebutton="true" toolstrip="true" enabledefaulttool="true">
			<tool name="Rotate" />
			<tool name="RotateRight" />
			<tool name="RotateLeft" />
		<tool name="Flip" togglebutton="true" toolstrip="true" enabledefaulttool="true">
			<tool name="Flip" />
			<tool name="FlipVertical" />
			<tool name="FlipHorizontal" />
		<tool name="AddText" togglebutton="true" />
		<tool name="InsertImage" togglebutton="true" />
		<tool separator="true"/>
		<tool name="BrightnessContrast" togglebutton="true" toolstrip="true" enabledefaulttool="true">
			<tool name="BrightnessContrast" togglebutton="true" />
			<tool name="HueSaturation" togglebutton="true" />
			<tool name="Blur" />
			<tool name="Sharpen" />
			<tool name="Greyscale" />
			<tool name="Sepia" />
			<tool name="InvertColor" />
		<tool name="Pencil" togglebutton="true" toolstrip="true" enabledefaulttool="true">
			<tool name="Pencil" togglebutton="true" />
			<tool name="Line" togglebutton="true" />
			<tool name="DrawRectangle" togglebutton="true" />
			<tool name="DrawCircle" togglebutton="true" />