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Telerik.Web.UI.OnDataBindingFailed Property

To get or set property values for client API properties, you must call property accessor methods that are named with the get_ and set_ prefixes. For example, to get or set a value for a property such as cancel, you call the get_cancel or set_cancel.

This event will be raised when the grid fails to bind to data client-side (after the OnDataBinding and before the OnDataBound client events). Can be used to get message or the stack trace/exception type of the generated error when the client-side binding fails.

Meaningful with declarative client-side data-binding only!

Fired byGridTableView
Argumentsmessage - the exception message exceptionType - the type of the generated exception stackTrace - the stack trace of the generated exception
Can be canceledNo


<telerik:RadGrid RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadGrid1" runat="server">
        <ClientEvents OnDataBindingFailed="RadGrid1_DataBindingFailed" />
function RadGrid1_DataBindingFailed(sender, eventArgs)
    var sb = new Sys.StringBuilder();
    sb.appendLine("<b>RadGrid1_DataBindingFailed. Reason:</b><br />");
    sb.appendLine(String.format("{0} : {1} : {2}", eventArgs.get_message(), eventArgs.get_stackTrace(), eventArgs.get_exceptionType()); 
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