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RadGantt Object
The following table lists the most important methods of the RadGantt client-side object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_tasks | none | Telerik.Web.UI.GanttTaskCollection | Gets a collection with all root level tasks. |
get_allTasks | none | Telerik.Web.UI.GanttTask Array | Gets a collection with all tasks. See Example 1. |
get_dependencies | none | Telerik.Web.UI.GanttDependencyCollection | Gets a collection with all dependencies. See Example 2. |
get_resources | none | Telerik.Web.UI.GanttResourceCollection | Gets a collection with all resources. |
get_assignments | none | Telerik.Web.UI.GanttAssignmentCollection | Gets a collection with all resource assignments. |
get_selectedView | none | Telerik.Web.UI.GanttViewType | Gets the selected view mode. |
get_scrollTop | none | int | Returns the vertical scroll bar position. |
get_scrollLeft | none | int | Returns the horizontal scroll bar position. |
get_element | none | HTMLElement | Gets the control's DOM element. |
get_enabled | none | boolean | Returns a boolean value indicating whether the control is enabled. |
exportToPdf | none | none | Exports the RadGantt to .pdf if the EnablePdfExport property is true. |
get_allowColumnResize | none | boolean | True if the allowColumnResize property is enabled, false otherwise. |
get_currentTimeMarkerInterval | none | int | Returns the value of the Gantt's currentTimeMarkerInterval property. |
get_displayDeleteConfirmation | none | boolean | True if the displayDeleteConfirmation property is enabled, false otherwise. |
get_height | none | int | Returns the height of the Gantt's DOM element. |
get_hourSpan | none | int | Returns the value of the Gantt's hourSpan property. |
get_listWidth | none | string | Returns the width of the RadGantt's TreeList view. |
get_rowHeight | none | int | Returns the value of the Gantt's rowHeight property. |
get_showCurrentTimeMarker | none | boolean | Returns the value of the Gantt's showCurrentTimeMarker property. |
get_showFullTime | none | boolean | Returns a boolean value indicating whether a complete day or a range between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM is displayed. |
get_showFullWeek | none | boolean | Returns a boolean value indicating whether all days of the Gantt's week are displayed or a range between WorkWeekStart and WorkWeekEnd. |
get_showTooltip | none | boolean | Returns a boolean value indicating whether showing tooltips for Gantt tasks is enabled. |
get_width | none | int | Returns the width of the Gantt's DOM element. |
get_workWeekEnd | none | Telerik.Web.UI.DayOfWeek | Returns the last day of the work week. |
get_workWeekStart | none | Telerik.Web.UI.DayOfWeek | Returns the first day of the work week. |
set_allowColumnResize | boolean | none | Enables/Disables column resizing. See Example 3. |
get_rangeStart | none | Date | Returns the value of the Gantt's rangeStart property. |
get_rangeEnd | none | Date | Returns the value of the Gantt's rangeEnd property. |
get_selectedDate | none | Date | Returns the value of the Gantt's selectedDate property. |
set_currentTimeMarkerInterval | int | none | Sets the value of the Gantt's currentTimeMarkerInterval property. See Example 4. |
set_displayDeleteConfirmation | boolean | none | Enables/Disables confirmation dialog when the user deletes a task or a dependency. |
set_height | int | none | Sets the height of the Gantt's DOM element. See Example 5. |
set_hourSpan | int | none | Sets the hour span. |
set_listWidth | string | none | Sets the width of the Gantt's TreeList view. |
set_rowHeight | int | none | Sets the rows height. |
set_selectedView | int | none | Sets the selected view mode. See Example 6. |
set_scrollLeft | int | none | Sets the horizontal scroll bar position. |
set_scrollTop | int | none | Sets the vertical scroll bar position. |
set_showCurrentTimeMarker | boolean | none | Shows/Hides the Gantt's current time marker. |
set_showFullTime | boolean | none | Enables displaying the Gantt's complete day or displays a range between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. |
set_showFullWeek | boolean | none | Enables displaying all days of the Gantt's week or diplays the range between WorkWeekStart and WorkWeekEnd. |
set_showTooltip | boolean | none | Enables/Disables displaying tooltips for Gantt tasks. |
set_width | int | none | Sets the width of the Gantt's DOM element. |
set_workWeekEnd | int | none | Sets the Gantt's last day of the work week. See Example 7. |
set_workWeekStart | int | none | Sets the Gantt's first day of the work week. |
set_rangeStart | Date | none | Sets the value of the Gantt's rangeStart property. See Example 8. |
set_rangeEnd | Date | none | Sets the value of the Gantt's rangeEnd property. See Example 9. |
set_selectedDate | Date | none | Sets the value of the Gantt's selectedDate property. See Example 10. |
Example 1: Get a collection with all Gantt tasks.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
var allTasks = gantt.get_allTasks();
Example 2: Get the id of the first dependency in the Gantt's DependencyCollection.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
var firstDependency = gantt.get_dependencies().getDependency(0);
var id = firstDependency.get_id();
Example 3: Enable column resizing.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
Example 4: Set the current time marker interval to 5000.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
Example 5: Set the Gantt's height to 700px.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
Example 6: Set the Week view as selected.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
Example 7: Set the work week end to Thursday.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
Example 8: Set the range start.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
gantt.set_rangeStart(new Date("2014/06/09"));
Example 9: Set the range end.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
gantt.set_rangeEnd(new Date("2014/06/18"));
Example 10: Set the selected date.
var gantt = $find("<%= RadGantt1.ClientID %>");
gantt.set_selectedDate(new Date("2014/06/10"));