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Server-side Programming Overview

RadFormDecorator exposes the following properties:

ControlsToSkipSets the type of the HTML elements/controls which are to be excluded from decoration - takes a combination of the members of the Telerik.Web.UI.FormDecoratorDecoratedControls . The default value is "None" which means that no elements/controls will be excluded from decoration if DecoratedControls property is set to "All".
DecoratedControlsSets the type of the HTML elements/controls which are to be decorated - takes a combination of the members of the Telerik.Web.UI.FormDecoratorDecoratedControls . The default value is "Default" which means CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, Buttons and Scrollbars will be decorated.
DecorationZoneIDThe ID of the HTML element which content will be decorated. (e.g. DecorationZoneID="div1" will decorate the content of div with ID="div1")
EnableEmbeddedSkinsA boolean property indicating whether the FormDecorator will apply own or custom Skin(e.g. If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.)
EnableRoundedCornersA boolean property indicating whether the Input fields will be decorated with rounded corners.
SkinControls the Skin of the decorated controls

RadFormDecorator exposes Telerik.Web.UI.FormDecoratorDecoratedControls enumerator:

  • All

  • Buttons

  • CheckBoxes

  • Default

  • Fieldset

  • GridFormDetailsViews

  • H4H5H6

  • Label

  • LoginControls

  • None

  • RadioButtons

  • Scrollbars

  • Select

  • Textarea

  • Textbox

  • ValidationSummary

  • Zone

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