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Server-side Programming Overview

For a detailed list with the server-side properties and methods of the control, see the Server-Side API of the RadEditor class. If you are interested in the most popular ones check the table below:

Public Properties

AccessKey(Inherited from RadWebControl)
AllowScriptsGets or sets the value indicating whether script tags will be allowed in the editor content. This property is now obsolete. Please use the ContentFilters property or the EnableFilter and DisableFilter methods
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
Attributes(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
AutoResizeHeightGets or sets the value indicating whether the RadEditor will auto-resize its height to match content height
BackColor(Inherited from RadWebControl)
BindingContainer(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
BorderColor(Inherited from RadWebControl)
BorderStyle(Inherited from RadWebControl)
BorderWidth(Inherited from RadWebControl)
ClientID(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ColorsGets the collection containing the colors to put in the Foreground and Background color dropdowns.
ContentGets or sets the text content of the RadEditor control inlcuding the HTML markup.
ContentAreaCssFileGets or sets a string, containing the location of the content area CSS styles. You need to set this property only if you are using a custom skin.
ContentAreaModeGets or sets the rendering mode of the editor content area. When set to Iframe, the content area is a separate document (suitable for CMS solutions or when editing a whole page). When set to Div, the content area is in the main page. The default value is Iframe.
ContentFiltersGets or sets a value indicating which content filters will be active when the editor is loaded in the browser.
ContextMenusReturns EditorContextMenuCollection
Controls(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ControlStyle(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
ControlStyleCreated(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
CssClass(Inherited from RadWebControl)
CssClassesGets the collection containing the CSS classes to put in the [Apply CSS Class] dropdown.
CssFilesGets a reference to a EditorCssFileCollection that can be used to add external CSS files in the editor content area.
DialogHandlerUrlGets or sets the URL which the AJAX call will be made to. Check the help for more information.
DialogOpenerA read-only property that returns the DialogOpener instance used in the editor control.
DialogsCssFileGets or sets the location of a CSS file, that will be added in the dialog window. If you need to include more than one file, use the CSS @import url(); rule to add the other files from the first. This property is needed if you are using a custom skin. It allows you to include your custom skin CSS in the dialogs, which are separate from the main page.
DialogsScriptFileGets or sets the location of a JavaScript file, that will be added in the dialog window. If you need to include more than one file, you will need to combine the scripts into one first. This property is needed if want to override some of the default functionality without loading the dialog from an external ascx file.
DocumentManagerContains the configuration of the DocumentManager dialog.
EditModesGets or sets the value indicating which will be the available EditModes.
EnableAjaxSkinRenderingOverridden. Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests
Enabled(Inherited from RadWebControl)
EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheetOverridden. Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.
EnableEmbeddedScriptsOverridden. Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded client scripts or not.
EnableEmbeddedSkinsOverridden. Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.
EnableResizeGets or sets the value indicating whether the users will be able to resize the RadEditor control on the client
EnableTheming(Inherited from RadWebControl)
EnableViewState(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ExportSettingsGets a reference to the EditorExportSettings object that allows you to set the export file properties
ExternalDialogsPathGets or sets a value indicating where the editor will look for its dialogs.
FlashManagerContains the configuration of the FlashManager dialog.
Font(Inherited from RadWebControl)
FontNamesGets the collection containing the custom font names to put in the Font dropdown.
FontSizesGets the collection containing the custom font sizes to put in the [Size] dropdown.
ForeColor(Inherited from RadWebControl)
HasAttributes(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
HeightOverridden. Gets or sets the height of the Web server control. The default height is 400 pixels.
HtmlGets or sets the text content of the RadEditor control inlcuding the HTML markup. The Html property is deprecated in RadEditor. Use Content instead.
ID(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ImageManagerContains the configuration of the ImageManager dialog.
ImportSettingsGets a reference to the EditorImportSettings object that allows you to set the import properties.
IsSkinSetFor internal use. (Inherited from RadWebControl)
LanguageGets or sets a string containing the localization language for the RadEditor UI
LanguagesGets the collection containing the available languages for spellchecking.
LinksGets the collection containing the links to put in the Custom Links dropdown.
LocalizationThe Localization property specifies the strings that appear in the runtime user interface of RadEditor.
LocalizationPathGets or sets a value indicating where the editor will look for its .resx localization files. By default these files should be in the App_GlobalResources folder. However, if you cannot put the resource files in the default location or .resx files compilation is disabled for some reason (e.g. in a DotNetNuke environment), this property should be set to the location of the resource files.
MaxHtmlLengthGets or sets the max length (in symbols) of the HTML inserted in the RadEditor. When the value is 0 the property is disabled.
MaxTextLengthGets or sets the max length (in symbols) of the text inserted in the RadEditor. When the value is 0 the property is disabled.
MediaManagerContains the configuration of the MediaManager dialog.
ModulesGets the list of modules that should be made included in RadEditor.
NamingContainer(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
NewLineModeGets or sets the value indicating whether the RadEditor will insert a new line or a paragraph when the [Enter] key is pressed.
OnClientCommandExecutedGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after an editor command was executed.
OnClientCommandExecutingGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called before an editor command starts executing.
OnClientInitGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when editor starts to load on the client.
OnClientLoadGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when editor is loaded on the client.
OnClientModeChangeGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the content is submitted.
OnClientPasteHtmlGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a dialog is closed, but before its value returned would be pasted into the editor.
OnClientSelectionChangeGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when selection inside editor content area changes
OnClientSubmitGets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the content is submitted.
Page(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ParagraphsGets the collection containing the paragraph styles to put in the Paragraph Style dropdown.
Parent(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
RealFontSizesGets the collection containing the custom real font sizes to put in the RealFontSize dropdown.
RegisterWithScriptManagerGets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page. (Inherited from RadWebControl)
SilverlightManagerContains the configuration of the SilverlightManager dialog.
Site(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
SkinOverridden. Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.
SkinID(Inherited from RadWebControl)
SnippetsGets the collection containing the snippets to put in the Code Snippet dropdown.
SpellCheckSettingsContains the configuration of the spell checker.
StripFormattingOnPasteThis property is obsolete. Please, use the StripFormattingOptions property instead.
StripFormattingOptionsGets or sets the value indicating how the editor should clear the HTML formatting when the user pastes data into the content area.
Style(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
SymbolsGets the collection containing the symbols to put in the Symbols dropdown.
TabIndex(Inherited from RadWebControl)
TableLayoutCssFileGets or sets a string, containing the location of the CSS styles for table css style layout tool in the TableProperties dialogue.
TemplateControl(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
TemplateManagerContains the configuration of the TemplateManager dialog.
TemplateSourceDirectory(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
TextGets the text content of the RadEditor control without the HTML markup. The text displayed in the RadEditor without the HTML markup. The default is string.Empty
ToolAdapterGets or sets the tool adapter, which is responsible for rendering the tools in the toolbar. The default tool adapter is of type Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.DefaultToolAdapter
ToolbarModeGets or sets the value indicating how the editor toolbar will be rendered and will act on the client
ToolProviderIDGets or sets a string containing the ID (will search for both server or client ID) of a client object that should be used as a tool provider.
ToolsGets the collection containing RadEditor tools.
ToolsFileGets or sets a string containing the path to the XML toolbar configuration file.
ToolsWidthGets or sets the width of the editor's toolbar (should be used when ToolbarMode != Default).
ToolTip(Inherited from RadWebControl)
UniqueID(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
Visible(Inherited from RadWebControl)
WidthOverridden. Gets or sets the width of the Web server control. The default width is 680 pixels.

Public Methods

ApplyStyle(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
ApplyStyleSheetSkin(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
CopyBaseAttributes(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
DataBindOverloaded. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
DisableFilterRemoves a specific filter from the ContentFilters .
Dispose(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
EnableFilterAdd a specific filter to the ContentFilters .
EnsureToolsFileLoadedForces the ToolsFile to be parsed and loaded at any given time.
ExportToDocxThis method is used to export the editor's content to DOCX format.
ExportToPdfThis method is used to export the editor's content to PDF format.
ExportToRtfThis method is used to export the editor's content to RTF format.
FindControlOverloaded. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
FindToolFinds the tool with the given name.
Focus(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
GetEmbeddedSkinNamesReturns the names of all embedded skins. Used by Telerik.Web.Examples. (Inherited from RadWebControl)
HasControls(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
LoadDocxContentOverloaded.More information about this method is available in the Import from DOCX and RTF article.
LoadRtfContentOverloaded.More information about this method is available in the Import from DOCX and RTF article.
MergeStyle(Inherited from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl )
RenderControlOverloaded. (Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ResolveClientUrl(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ResolveUrl(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
SetPathsUsed to set the file browser configuration paths for the editor dialogs
SetRenderMethodDelegate(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )

Public Events

DataBinding(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
Disposed(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
ExportContentThis event is raised before the export of a file. The file export can be canceled by setting the Cancel property exposed by the EditorExportingArgs to false .
FileDeleteThis event is raised before the deletion of a file and using the current content provider. The file deletion can be canceled if the event handler returns false.
FileUploadThis event is raised before the storing of a file and using the current content provider. The file upload can be canceled if the event handler returns false.
ImportContentThis event is raised before the import of a file.
Init(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
Load(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
PreRender(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )
TextChangedOccurs when the content of the RadEditor changes between posts to the server.
Unload(Inherited from System.Web.UI.Control )