Prevent Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
This article examines the built-in protection of the RadEditor control against Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks and explains how you can handle specific security needs via a custom solution.
RadEditor and XSS
XSS is a class of attacks where malicious scripts can be injected in the web application and submitted to the server. If no validation or protective measures are undertaken, the injected script is executed on the page, loaded by an unsuspecting user. Subsequently, any sensitive information could be successfully hijacked to a location, known by the attacker.
These type of attacks are popular, therefore, this matter is a commonly discussed topic in various public articles. You can learn more about how to protect your applications against XSS attacks by following these materials:
- MSDN: How To: Prevent Cross-Site Scripting in ASP.NET
- OWASP: Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
- MDN: Cross-site scripting
RadEditor provides built-in options for XSS protection of the processed content. Nevertheless, it should not be underestimated that it is still the developer’s responsibility to take care of the application security and validate the submitted content to prevent possible attacks as per to the guidelines of the materials provided.
The built-in RadEditor features to prevent harmful content are:
- RemoveScripts and EncodeScripts filters—RadEditor strips and/or encodes the script elements in order to prevent script loading/execution;
- CSS expression stripping—RadEditor sanitizes the content from possible script injections via CSS;
- Removing attribute DOM events—RadEditor removes the DOM attributes that expose an option to add inline JavaScript code (e.g., onclick, onmouseover);
- Custom content filters—RadEditor lets you implement your own logic to strip or encode specific tags or expressions.
The StripDomEventAttributes filter and the EncodeScripts filter are not enabled by default. See below for details.
RemoveScripts and EncodeScripts
The RemoveScripts and EncodeScripts filters are content filters that handle <script>
tags inserted in the editor’s content.
RemoveScripts filter strips all <script>
elements and all JavaScript logic enclosed between its tags. This filter is designed to work on both client and server side to protect from possible execution of an already injected malicious code. For example, this content:
Will become this:
EncodeScripts enables end-users to enter a <script>
element, although no code from it will be executed,because the script tags will be transformed to an HTML comment. For example, this content:
In Design mode will be transformed to:
And in HTML will be decoded, so that user can continue working on it.
This filter is intended only to encode and decode scripts, so JavaScript code will not be executed while edited in the RadEditor. Also, the submitted content will be decoded on the server (i.e., the server-side RadEditor.Content property will return content with fully functional script logic).
If the RemoveScripts filter is enabled (its default state), the EncodeScripts one will be of no value, so it is not enabled by default. Therefore, if you need to let users edit JavaScript in the RadEditor, you should disable the RemoveScripts filter. For that you can use the server-side DisableFilter() method.
You may want to sanitize the content users upload through the Template Manager dialog.
CSS Expressions
CSS expressions were first introduced in Internet Explorer 5.5 and later deprecated with the release of Internet Explorer 8.They were designed to provide more flexible CSS stylization by incorporating JavaScript logic directly in CSS properties. This feature, again, leads to the possibility of XSS attacks by injecting malicious script in the expressions.
Since its Q3 2014 version, RadEditor provides built-in protection against this kind of attack. With the StripCssExpressions filter, CSS expressions are automatically stripped from the content. For example, the following HTML:
<style type="text/css">
#container {
width: expression(document.body.offsetWidth / 4 + 30 + "px");
<div id="container">
some text
Will be modified by this filter to the following:
<style type="text/css">
#container {
<div id="container">
some text
The StripCssExpressions filter runs not only on the client, but also on the server and removes any CSS expressions from the content to protect from possible execution of an already injected malicious code. Note that if this filter is disabled, both client-side and server-side logic will not be executed, and CSS expressions will not be removed.
Attribute DOM Events
The well-known DOM event attributes like onclick, onmouseover, etc. can also create an XSS vulnerability. Since their value is a JavaScript string, injection of scripts is possible which can be categorized as an XSS attack.
Since the Q3 2014 version, the StripDomEventAttributes filter removes the attribute handler and all the inline code. For example, this content:
<p onclick="alert('XSS')">paragraph</p>
Will be changed to this one:
StripDomEventAttributes, just like the StripCssExpressions and RemoveScripts filters, runs both on the client and on the server side to protect from possible execution of an already injected malicious code. Disabling it will prevent all such attributes from being removed.
The StripDomEventAttributes filter is not enabled by default. This is so, because it removes content and, in doing so, may break templates or other logic required by the application.
Custom Content Filters
Upon further security testing or according to additional custom needs, there may be the need to remove, strip or modify content based on specific requirements that are not covered out of the box.
Since the creation of the RadEditor control, building a Custom Content Filter has been a well-known approach to prevent malicious code from being submitted and eventually executed on a page.
Example 1 demonstrates a simple encoding approach, where the script tags are encoded with the corresponding HTML entities. This prevents the script logic from being executed and the script element is rendered as plain text on the page for the reader to see.
The custom filters process the content only on the client. In cases where the content should be sanitized on the server, further logic should be implemented in the code behind when content is saved to the data base and/or when requested. See Example 2 .
Example 1: Custom content filter that shows script tags as text to the user.
<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientLoad(editor, args) {
editor.get_filtersManager().add(new MyCustomScriptEncoder());
function MyCustomScriptEncoder() {
this.set_description("Encodes all <script> tags and allows the browser to render them as plain text.");
MyCustomScriptEncoder.prototype = {
encodeScripts: function (contentToEncode) {
var encodedContent = contentToEncode.replace(/<(\/*)script([^>]*)>/gi, "<$1script$2>");
return encodedContent
getDesignContent: function (content) {
var newContent = content;
return this.encodeScripts(newContent);
// The code below is the same because it needs to be applied when switching to HTML mode and also when content is submitted.
getHtmlContent: function (content) {
var newContent = content;
return this.encodeScripts(newContent);
MyCustomScriptEncoder.registerClass('MyCustomScriptEncoderFilter', Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Filter);
Example 2: Custom code behind logic to remove scripts from the content before loading it in the RadEditor.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
public partial class DefaultCS : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Dummy content from data base.
string htmlContent = "some text<script>alert('XSS')</script> some text";
RadEditor1.Content = sanitizeScripts(htmlContent);
private string sanitizeScripts(string htmlContent)
Regex regex = new Regex(@"<script[^>]*>[^>]*>");
string sanitizedContent = regex.Replace(htmlContent, "");
return sanitizedContent;