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Paragraph Styles (FormatBlock) dropdown

The Paragraph style dropdown of RadEditor displays a predefined set of styles by default. This set is defined by the Paragraphs collection. You can add to the Paragraphs collection declaratively, programmatically and using the ToolsFile.

Using the Paragraphs Collection Declaratively

<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="Radeditor1" runat="server" Skin="WebBlue">
	    <telerik:EditorDropDown Name="FormatBlock" />
	   <telerik:EditorParagraph Title="Normal" Tag="<p>" />
	   <telerik:EditorParagraph Title="Heading 1" Tag="<H1>" />
	   <telerik:EditorParagraph Title="Heading 2" Tag="<H2>" />
	   <telerik:EditorParagraph Title="Heading 3" Tag="<H3>" />

Using Paragraphs Programmatically

Use the Paragraphs collection Add() method to include one or more paragraph styles in the list. When using the Add() method the Paragraph style dropdown will be reset, so the items you add will create a new Paragraph style set. See the example below:

//Provide an option for clearing the headingRadeditor1.Paragraphs.Add("Normal", "<p>");

Radeditor1.Paragraphs.Add("Heading 1", "<h1>");
Radeditor1.Paragraphs.Add("Heading 2", "<h2>");
Radeditor1.Paragraphs.Add("Heading 3", "<h3>");         

Display Style in Dropdown

To display the dropdown items with their corresponding formatting, add the tag around the item name:

Use CSS Styles

RadEditor also supports block format with the CSS class set:

	.myStyle {color: red;}
RadEditor1.Paragraphs.Add("Heading 2 Highlighted", "<h2 class=\"myStyle\">");      

Using the ToolsFile

You can also populate the Paragraphs dropdown using the ToolsFile.xml, as shown in the example below (using default and custom class styles):

 <tools name="MainToolbar">
   <tool name="FormatBlock" />
   <paragraph name="Normal" value="<p>" />
   <paragraph name="<H1>Heading 1</H1>" value="<H1>" />
   <paragraph name="<H2>Heading 2</H2>" value="<H2>" />
   <paragraph name="<H3>Heading 3</H3>" value="<H3>" />
   <paragraph name="<p class='redStyle'>redStyle</p>" value="<p class='redStyle'>" />

Note: The ToolsFile file is an XML file and the opening tag < bracket symbol should be encoded to its < entity in the name and value attributes' values.

See Also