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Increase and Decrease Size Buttons

The following example demonstrates how to implement custom IncreaseSize and DecreaseSize buttons that expand and shrink the editor vertically.

Place IncreaseSize and DecreaseSize JavaScript commands below the editor declaration. Both commands get the editor DOM element the RadEditor get_element() method. The clientWidth and clientHeight DOM properties of the element provide the current editor dimensions. Then the RadEditor setSize() is used to assign new editor dimensions, this time with 30 pixels more or less, depending on the button clicked.

<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadEditor1">
			<telerik:EditorTool Name="IncreaseSize" />
			<telerik:EditorTool Name="DecreaseSize" />
<script type="text/javascript">
	Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["IncreaseSize"] = function (commandName, editor, args)
		var editorElement = editor.get_element();
		//set the height size of the editor to increase with 30px        
		editor.setSize(editorElement.clientWidth, editorElement.clientHeight + 30);
	Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["DecreaseSize"] = function (commandName, editor, args)
		var editorElement = editor.get_element();
		//set the height size of the editor to decrease with 30px        
		editor.setSize(editorElement.clientWidth, editorElement.clientHeight - 30);
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