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Disable or Hide Modules

There are a couple of ways to hide or remove the RadEditor's modules: inline, via the code-behind, using a toolsfile or a theme/skin file. The following examples demonstrate how to do that:

  1. Inline In order to disable a specific module inside the RadEditor declaration define the needed modules (built-in or custom) only, or set its Enabled property to false. To hide a specific module set its Visible property to false, e.g.:

     <telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadEditor1" runat="server">
     		<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorHtmlInspector" Enabled="true" Visible="true" />
     		<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorNodeInspector" Enabled="true" Visible="false" />
     		<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorDomInspector" Enabled="false" />
     		<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorStatistics" Enabled="false" />

    The declaration above will disable the DomInpector and Statistics modules and will render the real time HTMLmodule, while the NodeInspector will be hidden but available via ModuleManager tool.

    To disable all modules inline, at least one module should be declared in the <Modules> section and its Enabled property should be set to false .

  2. Via the code-behind The first thing that has to be done to manipulate the Modules collection on the server is to load the default built-in modules, otherwise it will be empty and if you try to remove something it will throw an exception. This is done with the editor's EnsureToolsFileLoaded() method:

     RadEditor1.EnsureToolsFileLoaded(); //ensure that the default (or custom) Toolsfile is loaded
     RadEditor1.Modules.Remove("RadEditorDomInspector"); //remove a specific module
     RadEditor1.EnsureToolsFileLoaded() 'ensure that the default (or custom) Toolsfile is loaded
     RadEditor1.Modules.Remove("RadEditorDomInspector") 'remove a specific module

    In order to hide a specific module via the code-behind, get a reference to it using the Modules collection and its index and set the Visible property to false. The indexes of the built-in modules are listed below:


    For example: RadEditor1.Modules[2].Visible = false; //hide RadEditorNodeInspector

  3. Using ToolsFile Configuring built-in modules from the tools file is done in the <modules> node. For example:

     RadEditor1.EnsureToolsFileLoaded(); //ensure that the default (or custom) Toolsfile is loaded
     RadEditor1.Modules.Clear();//clear the module collections
     RadEditor1.EnsureToolsFileLoaded() 'ensure that the default (or custom) Toolsfile is loaded
     RadEditor1.Modules.Clear() 'clear the module collections

    The Enabled property set to false will disable the respective module. The Visible property will hide the module. To make it visible again use the Module Manager splitbutton.

    If the modules node is not declared the default settings will be applied.

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